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All of the content below is written from the perspective of a right-handed golfer. If you happen to play left-handed, please take a moment to reverse the directions as necessary.

- Light grip pressure. This is the first point we are going to highlight simply because it is so important to making a successful pendulum stroke. If you hold tightly onto the grip of the putter, it will be extremely difficult to let your stroke flow freely as it should. Instead, you want to have very light grip pressure at address, with the club hanging from your hands without any tension at all in your fingers. The putting stroke is not an aggressive or violent action, so you don't really have to worry about the putter slipping out of your control during the shot. Commit yourself to start each stroke with a light grip and then maintain that feel all the way through to the finish.
- Stable head position. Here we find another key feature of a reliable pendulum putting stroke. From the time you settle into your stance to start the stroke, on through to the finish of the stroke, your head should be perfectly still. There is no need for your head to move while putting, as you aren't swinging the putter hard enough to require that kind of action. Get into a comfortable position, lock your eyes on a specific spot on the ball, and make a smooth stroke. By keeping your head still, it will become easier to swing the club freely back and through. Also, it will be easier to make contact with the ball on the center of the putter face. The temptation will always be there to look up early, but you can teach yourself through practice to resist this urge. Looking up early isn't going to help the ball find the bottom of the cup, so stay still and focus only on a smooth swinging action.
- Upright posture. One of the biggest mistakes seen in the amateur game is bending down too close to the ball when putting. If you hunch over in your putting stance, it will be hard to rock your shoulders correctly – meaning you will have to use your hands and wrists in order to send the ball toward the cup. By standing taller, you can create the pendulum shape necessary to make this kind of stroke. You still want to have some flex in your knees at address, but your upper body should be relatively vertical with only a slight tilt out from your hips. Work on this point on the practice green until you find your way into a comfortable position.
- Silent right hand. This technique is called a pendulum stroke because you are supposed to rock the club smoothly back and through the ball. Just like a pendulum clock, everything works together as one piece. That can't happen if your hands get involved in the action. Specifically, it is the right hand that will frequently become a problem. If you let your right hand take over the control of the putter at any point, the pendulum effect will be lost and you will probably hit a poor putt. If you are used to actively using your hands while hitting putts, taking your right hand out of the picture is going to take some time. Stick with it, however, as the best putting of your life will likely be waiting on the other side.
- Great tempo. The piece that is going to hold this entire stroke together is tempo. When you use a consistent, reliable tempo, you will be able to roll the ball with amazing consistency. Fortunately, it will be easier to find a good tempo when you don't have to worry about your hands getting in the way. It is relatively simple to rock the putter back and through at an even pace while you are only using your shoulders to drive the stroke. You are welcome to use a fast tempo, a slow tempo, or anything in between – as long as it is consistent, and as long as it feels natural to you.
Judging by the size of the list above, you might think the pendulum stroke is a complicated procedure. In fact, just the opposite is true. This is a relatively simple action to complete, and once you get comfortable with it, you should be able to do it over and over again without any trouble. For now, spend plenty of time on the practice green working on your pendulum action, and look forward to improved results as the weeks and months go by.

The other problem with a hard wedge swing is the possibility of hitting the shot off-line. You should be able to hit your target line pretty regularly with a wedge, but you will get off-track if you start to swing too hard. Stay in control from start to finish and prioritize accuracy above all else.
There are a couple of things you can do to make sure your wedge swing remains controlled and balanced. First, you will want to choke down on the grip of the club slightly at address. This is going to bring your ball flight down, which is a good thing, and it will also shorten your swing (reducing your swing speed in the process). Also, you are going to move the ball back in your stance a bit. This is another adjustment that will lead to a lower flight, and it will also prevent the ball from spinning back toward the front of the green after it lands.
Once you get comfortable with using soft swings on your wedge shots, you will wonder how you ever played any other way. This is easily one of the best golf techniques ever because it can help you set up plenty of easy birdie chances. The ability to hit wedge shots close to the hole is extremely valuable in golf, and swinging softer may be the only change you need to make in order for that to happen.
A great shoulder turn can be considered the foundation of any quality, modern golf swing. This will be the last golf technique that we highlight in this article, and we have picked it from the many options because it is so important to your success. If you are going to hit powerful, accurate golf shots on a regular basis, you must turn your shoulders – it really is that simple.
On the surface, it would seem like a good shoulder turn would be pretty simple. You just turn your back to the target and swing away, right? Well, actually, it doesn't need to be much more complicated than that. However, there are a few points you should keep in mind while you practice. During your next range session, work on building a great turn while thinking about these keys.
- Give yourself enough time. There is often a battle in the amateur golf swing between the shoulder turn and the urge to rush through the swing. A proper shoulder turn takes time, but many golfers simply aren't willing to give themselves enough time to make the turn fully. Slow yourself down, push away the urge to rush through your swing, and let the motion develop naturally. When you take your time, you may be surprised to learn how easy it is to rotate all the way back.
- Maintain the flex in your knees. The connection between your upper body and the lower body in the golf swing is important. These two halves of your body need to work together if you are going to achieve your goals. During the swing, make sure to keep your knees flexed, just as they were at address. If you come up out of your stance by straightening your knees – which is a common mistake – it will be nearly impossible to finish your turn. You should feel like you are 'sitting' into your stance throughout the entire backswing. Knee flex will provide you with a great base for your swing, and that base is going to help you master the shoulder turn you need for maximum power.
- Stay wide. This is the second time in this article we have mentioned the width of your swing. In this case, it is important to maintain the width of your swing going back because that width will help pull you into a full turn. Should you allow your swing to get narrow, it will be hard to finish off the turn properly. Instead, you will probably give up on the turn and transition prematurely into the downswing. Keep your swing wide going back and don't do anything to give away that width throughout the rest of the swing.
There are plenty of great golf techniques to pick from when you are trying to improve your golf game. It's easy to get pulled in various directions while working on your swing, but you should stick with the basics that have worked for millions of golfers over the years. The four golf techniques we have highlighted in this article are not the only ones that can help you lower your scores, but they are a great starting point. Use these tips to guide your practice sessions and improved performance should be waiting just around the corner. We hope the advice we have provided will benefit your game in the near future – good luck!