A Single Putting Routine That Can Repeat Over & Over AgainPerhaps the hardest part of this entire process is the task of bringing together a variety of ideas into a single routine that you can repeat over and over again. Fitting the pieces together is not as easy as it might seem, but we may be able to help. Our advice on how to round your pre-putt routine and techniques into form is offered below.

  • Keep it brief. You don’t want to let this routine drag on, for a variety of reasons. First, of course, is the pace of play that you need to maintain on the course. You don’t need to rush through your rounds – golf is a slow game, after all – but you do want to keep the pace moving for those around you.
  • One way to test the length of your routine is to ask the other players in your usual group for their opinion.
  • Do they think you are taking too long to hit your putts, or are they fine with your routine? As long as they are willing to be honest, this feedback should help you trim down your process to an appropriate length.
  • Finish next to the ball. No matter what your routine looks like, it should finish with you standing next to the ball, ready to putt.
  • Basically, you want the pre-putt routine to bridge the gap in time between when you finish your read and when you actually make the putting stroke that is going to send the ball on its way. So, design your routine in such a way that you wind up next to the ball, ready to go.
  • Easy to remember. The last thing you want to do is create such a complicated routine that you struggle to remember how it all fits together each time.
  • There is enough to think about on the golf course as it is, you don’t need to make the game more complicated by adding in the challenging of keeping your routine straight. The process you build should be simple and easy to manage throughout each of your rounds.
  • Don’t take up too much space. This is an important point which relates to the physical structure of your pre-putt routine. Let’s imagine for a moment that you build a plan which has to walk up to your ball from several feet to the side of the putt. That type of approach might feel good to you for one reason or another, but it may not always be practical.
  • For instance, if another golfer’s ball is resting in that area, you would have to walk over their line just to complete your routine. Or, if another player is standing over there – which would not be all that unusual – you’d need to ask them to move. Try to keep the physical space required by your routine to a minimum so you avoid awkward situations. Walking up from behind your ball is common practice as there shouldn’t be any other golfers or golf balls in this area when it is your turn to putt.

To be honest, it may take a bit of time to settle on a routine that makes you comfortable. The best thing you can do is to practice potential routines while on the practice putting green at your local golf course. Once you have spent a bit of time experimenting, you should be able to decide on a routine that you will put to the test in an upcoming round.

Developing a consistent putting routine is crucial for improving your putting performance. Here's a single putting routine that you can repeat over and over again:

  1. Assess the putt: Take a moment to assess the green and the putt in front of you. Consider the slope, speed, and any potential breaks. Visualize the ideal path and target for your putt.
  2. Approach the ball: Stand behind the ball and visualize your intended line and target. Take a few practice strokes to feel the distance and pace of the putt.
  3. Align your body: Step up to the ball and position your feet, hips, and shoulders parallel to your intended target line. Use alignment aids, such as markings on the ball or a spot on the green, to help you align properly.
  4. Set up your grip: Place your hands on the putter grip with a comfortable and consistent grip pressure. Ensure that your wrists are relaxed and your arms are hanging naturally.
  5. Position your eyes: Align your eyes directly over or slightly inside the target line. This helps you to get a clear view of the line and promotes better alignment.
  6. Take a final look: Take one last look at the hole and your intended target line. Confirm your alignment and visualize the ball rolling smoothly along your intended line.
  7. Make the stroke: Maintain a smooth and controlled stroke as you swing the putter back and through. Focus on keeping your head still and your body relaxed. Aim to strike the ball in the center of the putter face.
  8. Follow through: After striking the ball, continue your stroke with a smooth and balanced follow-through. Keep your eyes on the target and maintain your posture until the ball comes to a stop.
  9. Evaluate the result: Watch the ball closely as it rolls towards the hole. Observe the break and speed, and note how accurately you judged the putt. Use this feedback to make adjustments for future putts.

By consistently following this putting routine, you can develop a reliable and repeatable process that enhances your focus, alignment, and stroke mechanics. Practice this routine on the practice green and implement it during your rounds to build confidence and improve your putting performance.

Here's a Q&A on a single putting routine that can be repeated over and over again:

Q: What is the importance of having a consistent putting routine? A: A consistent putting routine is crucial for building confidence and maintaining focus. It helps create a ritualized process that golfers can rely on, promoting a repeatable and reliable stroke.

Q: What elements should be included in a simple and effective putting routine? A: A basic putting routine typically includes:

  • Alignment: Stand behind the ball to assess the line and select a target.
  • Practice Strokes: Take a couple of practice strokes to gauge the feel for distance and pace.
  • Address the Ball: Set up to the ball with proper alignment and stance.
  • Visualize the Putt: Take a moment to visualize the ball rolling along the intended line and into the hole.
  • Execute the Putt: Make a smooth and controlled stroke, focusing on the target.

Q: How can golfers ensure consistent alignment during their putting routine? A: To maintain consistent alignment, golfers can use a spot on the green or a small intermediate target a few inches in front of the ball. Align the putter face and body parallel to this target for a more accurate setup.

Q: Should the putting routine change based on the length of the putt? A: While the overall routine remains consistent, the number of practice strokes may vary for different putt lengths. Short putts may require fewer practice strokes, while longer putts may benefit from additional practice swings to gauge distance.

Q: How can golfers manage pre-putt nerves during their routine? A: Managing pre-putt nerves involves taking deep breaths, staying relaxed, and maintaining a positive mindset. Trusting the routine and focusing on the process rather than the outcome can help calm nerves.

Q: Is it necessary to have a specific routine for short putts versus long putts? A: The overall routine can remain consistent, but golfers may adjust the intensity and number of practice strokes based on the length of the putt. Short putts may require less practice, while long putts may involve a more thorough evaluation of the line and distance.

Q: What role does visualization play in a putting routine? A: Visualization is crucial for creating a mental image of the intended putt. Taking a moment to see the ball's path and visualize a successful outcome enhances confidence and commitment to the stroke.

Q: How can golfers adapt their routine to varying green speeds? A: Golfers can adapt by paying close attention to the speed of the greens during their practice strokes. Adjusting the length and intensity of practice strokes helps in getting a feel for the specific green speed on that day.

Q: Should the routine change based on different putting surfaces (e.g., fast or slow greens)? A: The routine remains consistent, but the adjustments come in the practice strokes. On fast greens, golfers may take shorter, quicker strokes to adjust to the pace, while on slow greens, longer and smoother strokes may be necessary.

Q: What is the benefit of consistently repeating the same putting routine? A: Consistently repeating the same putting routine builds muscle memory, promotes a sense of familiarity and comfort, and contributes to increased confidence on the greens. It also helps golfers stay focused on the process rather than getting distracted by external factors.

By incorporating a simple and repeatable putting routine into your game, you can enhance your consistency and improve your performance on the greens.