The golf swing. No motion in sports is more complex – or more misunderstood.
Like scientists researching a cosmic mystery, players and teachers have spent lifetimes studying the golf swing’s every hinge, lever, rotation and arc. Yet after all these years, they’ve never reached a consensus on what constitutes the perfect swing.
And they probably never will. As the renowned sports psychologist Dr. Bob Rotella once wrote, golf is not a game of perfect.
Striving for perfection may be futile. But it sure is fun. Just ask any of the millions of people who are hooked on golf. They’ll tell you it’s the journey, the unending quest for improvement, the discovery of something new with every round or range session, that makes it so engrossing.
And it all goes back to the swing.
The golf swing is an intricate mélange of movements involving every part of the body. If one segment falls out of sync, the whole thing may go kaput. Then again, one strong swing element – a full shoulder turn, for example – can compensate for a number of weak bits. That’s why you can hit a great shot with a flawed swing.
Understanding the swing requires education of both the formal (reading tips, watching videos, taking lessons) and real-world (practicing, playing, trial-and-error) varieties. The swing involves physics, geometry and mathematics – and no small amount of art and magic as well. Comprehension is a never-ending process, a fact that drives some golfers to constantly seek knowledge, and simply drives others away from the game.
Yes, learning the golf swing’s many moving parts seems like a daunting task. But the swing really isn’t that baffling once you have a handle on the basic, proper concepts. That’s what you’ll find in this section.
Our menu of Golf Swing Tips, at left, covers the full gamut of topics. A brief sampling of subjects includes the proper turning of the shoulders and hips; the importance of balance and tempo; how and when your weight should shift during the swing; accelerating into your shots; the keys to swinging on plane; and proper chipping technique.
Golfers looking to improve specific parts of their games can click on titles like “5 Golf Tips on How to Hit Better Drives,” “Gain Distance with this Release Golf Drill” and “Lower Hands to Hit a Draw.” We offer tutorials on sometimes-confusing terms including “swing path,” “flat golf swing” and “compact golf swing.”
You’ll also find tips for curing some of golf’s most common problems – slicing, hooking, fat shots and the dreaded shanks. And because understanding the “why” is fundamental to fixing your swing on the range or course, our features always explain the various causes of these maladies.
Like you, the pros who create content for eagerly seek out new and better ways to swing the club. That means exploring concepts like the “Stack-and-Tilt” method and the “Rotary Golf Swing.” It also means a fresh flow of new items to the Golf Swing Tips section, in both text and video formats, on a regular basis.
Someday, someone, somewhere will crack the code and unlock the perfect golf swing, one which anyone, anywhere can master in a few days’ time. Until then, there’s – your No. 1 resource for golf swing tips.