Using Mirrors for Your Short Game Technique

It is easy to forget about your short game when standing on the driving range working on your full swing technique. The short game is often overlooked by the average amateur, which is why so many players struggle with their putting and chipping. If you are going to get better in this crucial area of the game, you need to practice it regularly. In addition to the practice routines that you normally use for your putting and chipping, you can use mirrors in this area of the game as well. Getting into the right stance prior to rolling a putt or playing a chip is incredibly important. There isn’t enough time during these shots to make up for mistakes you might have made when building your stance – you need to get everything right immediately from the start. Using mirrors will make it easier to do just that.
So what should you be looking for in your short game stances when using a mirror? As was the case with the full swing, you can use both the down-the-line and face-on angle to evaluate the status of your address position. Below, we have listed two separate collections of points for you to watch for when taking short game stances – one list for putting, and one for chipping. Keep these points in mind as you practice to give yourself the best possible chance of success. First, the putting list –
And now, we move on to the chipping list –
It might not seem like it at first, but mirrors are a natural practice partner for the serious golfer. Instead of taking the time to record your stance on video and then watch it back later, you can just see how you are doing right there in real-time. Once you get comfortable with how you can view your stance in a mirror, it will be easy to learn from this tool time and time again. As long as you can find a driving range in your area which offers a mirror, you’ll be ready to put the advice offered above into action. Good luck!