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Golf Driving, Where and How to Get a Correct Start

Before golf driving tips can help you improve your performance off the tee, and before you can achieve the proper golf driver swing, you need to get a clear picture of where you are starting from. After all, assuming you already play golf, you have some kind of driver swing that you are working with. No matter how good or bad that swing might be, you will need to make adjustments from it in order to reach the right golf driver swing plane and hit good shots. Once you make an honest assessment of your current driver swing, it will be much easier to make the right adjustments that can lead you to a better swing in the near future.
To get started, take a trip to your local driving range and set aside some time for the following drill. You will need your driver, ten golf balls, and a notebook. The drill itself is quite simple. All you are going to do is hit each of the ten balls, and write down the ball flight that you achieve and any other notes that are important about the shot. Take your time working through this drill – hit one ball, step back and make your notes, then hit the next shot. Treat each shot as if it were an actual drive out on the course, meaning you need to pick a target and go through your pre-shot routine before making your swing. The more serious you are able to take this drill, the more informative your results will be.
With those ten shots taken, sit down and look at your notes for a moment. Do you notice any patterns within the shots? For example, you might find that you hit four of them straight, but the other six were sliced. That is an obvious pattern, and something that needs correcting. For most golfers, it will be pretty quick and easy to notice what your tendencies are with the driver, and then get to work fixing them. If you are unsure of what to make of your swing after the first ten balls, consider hitting another ten until you get a better picture of what your driver swing looks like at this point.
So how does taking this step help when you start to work on improving your swing and changing your technique? It provides you with a target to fix, and a goal to track. So, if you notice that you slice more often than not when hitting the driver, you can watch your ball flight change as you work on your swing to see if that slice starts to disappear. If the slice shows up less and less as you go, it will be obvious that improvements are being made. Should you have skipped this step altogether, it would have been much harder to measure progress later on.