Your Go To Shot Lesson by PGA Pro Tom Stickney
Your Go To Shot Lesson by PGA Pro Tom Stickney Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney and today in the mental series I want to talk to you about your go to shot. What I mean by that well I'm standing up here it's the last hole got a few bets on the line championship or whatever you're playing for and I'm going to hit this shot and I'm going to hit the shot on the green. Mentally I can't go off the planet somewhere I have to have a go to shot and sometimes you're go to shot you might choke down put the ball back in your stance hit a punch shot. You might play the ball forward hit a high draw you might play the ball back players back gives you a low cut. Whatever it might be a half to have a go to shot.

I love Trevino you know what he said is he had to 3 guys playing for him number one he had his normal set up his normal A game hit his shot. If the A game wasn't working he would fall back on game B and he put the ball back to his punch shot and if that didn't work he would have game C put the ball forward something else. He had 3 go to shots A, B, C most of us just have one and if that doesn't work we have no exits strategy. So remember we need to go shot experiment on the range with a shot to curves one direction or the other you can bet your life savings if you look up and you get this golf shot with that ball curving any direction you want it to curve. That is your go to shot and that is giong to save you a lot of strokes and a lot of money when you hit those tight shots you've got to get on the green or somewhere around the green. Give it a whirl.


Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney and today in the mental series I want to talk to you about your go to shot. What I mean by that well I'm standing up here it's the last hole got a few bets on the line championship or whatever you're playing for and I'm going to hit this shot and I'm going to hit the shot on the green. Mentally I can't go off the planet somewhere I have to have a go to shot and sometimes you're go to shot you might choke down put the ball back in your stance hit a punch shot. You might play the ball forward hit a high draw you might play the ball back players back gives you a low cut. Whatever it might be a half to have a go to shot.

I love Trevino you know what he said is he had to 3 guys playing for him number one he had his normal set up his normal A game hit his shot. If the A game wasn't working he would fall back on game B and he put the ball back to his punch shot and if that didn't work he would have game C put the ball forward something else. He had 3 go to shots A, B, C most of us just have one and if that doesn't work we have no exits strategy. So remember we need to go shot experiment on the range with a shot to curves one direction or the other you can bet your life savings if you look up and you get this golf shot with that ball curving any direction you want it to curve. That is your go to shot and that is giong to save you a lot of strokes and a lot of money when you hit those tight shots you've got to get on the green or somewhere around the green. Give it a whirl.