Arm Extension Lesson by PGA Pro Tom Stickney Top 100 Teacher
Arm Extension Lesson by PGA Pro Tom Stickney Top 100 Teacher Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney and today I want to talk to you about extension post-impact. We want to make sure that we have extension post-impact as opposed to pointing the left arm or having that chicken wing and impeding that closing way of the club face. A lot of times when people start making all kind of manipulations that club face it doesn't have the same loft it doesn't have the same direction and we get hit it all over creation.

So the greatest drill to have extension post impact is to really work on just that focus in on having the longer arms. A great little drill is hitting little punch shots around the practice facility working on boom and stopping with both arms straight right here and see here if I'm in the right position as opposed to this. It's very difficult for you to hit good solid golf shots if you're pulling your left arm up. A lot of times when you do that you'll get the thin clicking shot and it won't feel very good and it will sound and feel compressed. So doing just this going to both arms straight in the follow through will really help when you do that drill to make sure you have arm extension and when you do that I promise you that chicken wing will go away.


Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney and today I want to talk to you about extension post-impact. We want to make sure that we have extension post-impact as opposed to pointing the left arm or having that chicken wing and impeding that closing way of the club face. A lot of times when people start making all kind of manipulations that club face it doesn't have the same loft it doesn't have the same direction and we get hit it all over creation.

So the greatest drill to have extension post impact is to really work on just that focus in on having the longer arms. A great little drill is hitting little punch shots around the practice facility working on boom and stopping with both arms straight right here and see here if I'm in the right position as opposed to this. It's very difficult for you to hit good solid golf shots if you're pulling your left arm up. A lot of times when you do that you'll get the thin clicking shot and it won't feel very good and it will sound and feel compressed. So doing just this going to both arms straight in the follow through will really help when you do that drill to make sure you have arm extension and when you do that I promise you that chicken wing will go away.