Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher
In this week's tip I want to talk about the dreaded downhill side hill lie. Now any time you have this downhill side hill lie people tend to come up and out of it the ball has to go thin to the right. Well how are we going to combat that? Number one we're going to take a little bit extra club number 2 I'm going to aim a little bit more the left, and number 3 the most important part of the chase it down the line as long as I can. The reason why we want to keep the club stay low to ground as long as we can is we would hit this ball reasonably solid because if we hit it then it's going to screw it off in the right field that's certainly what we don't want.
So here we go we have a club extra we're going to aim a little bit more to the left and all the other do is chase it down the line. As you can see that little punch swing is what we're looking for I'm guiding that golf ball down in front of the green so I can get up and down for par and not make a double or triple try to get cute and carry it on the green. So if you do those 3 things you can tackle golf toughest lie.