Pure and Solid Iron Shots - (Video) Lesson by Tom Stickney Top 100 Teacher
Pure and Solid Iron Shots - (Video) Lesson by Tom Stickney Top 100 Teacher Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

In this week's tip I want to talk to you about low point controlling your wedges and making sure that you hit your wedge solid. The best thing I can give you is a peso and it's the cheapest lesson you will ever get. I'm going to put a peso right out in front of a golf ball about 2 inches out in front and all I'm going to do is I'm going to try to hit this golf ball and make sure I clip the peso off the ground with my club after the ball is gone. What that does is that causes you to hit the ball 1st the ground 2nd the club stays lower the ground and then it goes back up.

Cause we know that each time we hit a low point back here, and we are coming up to the golf ball which would mean we wouldn't even come close to the peso. So to hit wedges solid all you have to do is hit the ball clipped the peso. So let's take a look there you go pesos gone balls up in the air life is good.


Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

In this week's tip I want to talk to you about low point controlling your wedges and making sure that you hit your wedge solid. The best thing I can give you is a peso and it's the cheapest lesson you will ever get. I'm going to put a peso right out in front of a golf ball about 2 inches out in front and all I'm going to do is I'm going to try to hit this golf ball and make sure I clip the peso off the ground with my club after the ball is gone. What that does is that causes you to hit the ball 1st the ground 2nd the club stays lower the ground and then it goes back up.

Cause we know that each time we hit a low point back here, and we are coming up to the golf ball which would mean we wouldn't even come close to the peso. So to hit wedges solid all you have to do is hit the ball clipped the peso. So let's take a look there you go pesos gone balls up in the air life is good.