Front Heel Up vs Down - (Video) Lesson by Tom Stickney Top 100 Teacher
Front Heel Up vs Down - (Video) Lesson by Tom Stickney Top 100 Teacher Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

In this week's tip I want to give you an idea about how to gain more distance. Now as we all get older little less flexibility maybe a little bit more around the belly for some of us. You are going to find that your flexibility is going to wane and you're you're not going to be able to get up there. So a lot of times what I like to see the less flexible players do is let that left heel rise just a little bit on the way back like we did the old days. What that does is allow us to have a bigger hip turn when we have a bigger hip turn we're going to have a bigger shoulder turn when we have a bigger shoulder turn we're going to keep the club in the air longer and keeping the club in the air longer gives us more time to create speed.

So remember if you're having trouble with your flexibility if you're losing distance with that driver let that left heel rise and if you let the left heel rise you're going to hit it just a little bit further. So here we go we let the left heel come up and make our normal golf swing, and there you go not miles of distance more but a little bit and I'll tell you what I'll take a little bit of distance every day.


Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

In this week's tip I want to give you an idea about how to gain more distance. Now as we all get older little less flexibility maybe a little bit more around the belly for some of us. You are going to find that your flexibility is going to wane and you're you're not going to be able to get up there. So a lot of times what I like to see the less flexible players do is let that left heel rise just a little bit on the way back like we did the old days. What that does is allow us to have a bigger hip turn when we have a bigger hip turn we're going to have a bigger shoulder turn when we have a bigger shoulder turn we're going to keep the club in the air longer and keeping the club in the air longer gives us more time to create speed.

So remember if you're having trouble with your flexibility if you're losing distance with that driver let that left heel rise and if you let the left heel rise you're going to hit it just a little bit further. So here we go we let the left heel come up and make our normal golf swing, and there you go not miles of distance more but a little bit and I'll tell you what I'll take a little bit of distance every day.