Putting Grip Lesson by PGA Pro Tom Stickney Top 100 Teacher
Putting Grip Lesson by PGA Pro Tom Stickney Top 100 Teacher Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney and today I want to talk to you about putting and the different gripss that there are. Now a lot of times people in their set up go with their old normal grip the reverse overlap. Iwhat you can see is the left hand sitting on the putter and the finger rest over the top or overlaps the right hand, OK and then gives you a certain type of motion. You'll see other pros that have the lead hand lower on the putter and that gives us a little bit different type of motion to the putter.

What happens is people tend to flip back with their normal grip. If we reverse the hands it makes it very easy for you to maintain good quality alignments. The last grip that I want to talk to people about is the claw. When you get situated here you turn this hand like so and we're going to put this form in line with the club shaft and now we can drive the putter shaft using our right hand. Now the only thing we don't want to do is use very left wrist as a form when we use a claw grip. So we're still making this motion where everything is moving together. OK So we want to make sure that we're using good support. So we want you have your reverse overlap there is a number 2 you have lead hand low and then there is numer 3 the claw grip. Those are probably the most popular putting grips for the right people or the see with what works best for you.


Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney and today I want to talk to you about putting and the different gripss that there are. Now a lot of times people in their set up go with their old normal grip the reverse overlap. Iwhat you can see is the left hand sitting on the putter and the finger rest over the top or overlaps the right hand, OK and then gives you a certain type of motion. You'll see other pros that have the lead hand lower on the putter and that gives us a little bit different type of motion to the putter.

What happens is people tend to flip back with their normal grip. If we reverse the hands it makes it very easy for you to maintain good quality alignments. The last grip that I want to talk to people about is the claw. When you get situated here you turn this hand like so and we're going to put this form in line with the club shaft and now we can drive the putter shaft using our right hand. Now the only thing we don't want to do is use very left wrist as a form when we use a claw grip. So we're still making this motion where everything is moving together. OK So we want to make sure that we're using good support. So we want you have your reverse overlap there is a number 2 you have lead hand low and then there is numer 3 the claw grip. Those are probably the most popular putting grips for the right people or the see with what works best for you.