The Hardest Slope Lie in Golf by Tom Stickney
The Hardest Slope Lie in Golf by Tom Stickney Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to talk to you about that downhill sidehill lie one of the hardest lies in golf. Now what do you want to focus on here is setting into the slope it bending your knees and what that's going to do is we said in the slope and bending the knees it lowers your center of gravity and helps you have more balance because the ball here has the bleed into right field because it can lose your balance and stand up the ball to bleed in the right field obviously. So what we want to do as we sit in the slope we bend our knees I want you to feel like there's a hand pressing on the back of your head keeping you down.

So I'm going to aim just a little bit to the left and then all I'm going to do is I'm going to focus on hit low punch shot kind of stayed with it. Now if you don't like a little left you can always open you can always close your clubface just a little bit to counteract that ball moving left or right that's your call. So I'm going to sit in the slope I'm good I person with a the little bit to the left to counteract that fade feel like is a hand put on the back of my head and I'm going to hit a punch shot, and what you could see by his little punch shot is I'm hit the safety squeeze I'm kind of guided not golf ball where I want to go. The last thing you want to do on this particular lie take a cut at it lose your balance because then that's when you get the end of the right and you can also get the dreaded shank so on the downhill sidehill lie you can either align a bit to the left or you can close your clubface for alignment to counteract the ball's fading tendencies and almost do a sit in the flow stay with that little punch I think you'll do that I promise he will fight these lies too often.


Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to talk to you about that downhill sidehill lie one of the hardest lies in golf. Now what do you want to focus on here is setting into the slope it bending your knees and what that's going to do is we said in the slope and bending the knees it lowers your center of gravity and helps you have more balance because the ball here has the bleed into right field because it can lose your balance and stand up the ball to bleed in the right field obviously. So what we want to do as we sit in the slope we bend our knees I want you to feel like there's a hand pressing on the back of your head keeping you down.

So I'm going to aim just a little bit to the left and then all I'm going to do is I'm going to focus on hit low punch shot kind of stayed with it. Now if you don't like a little left you can always open you can always close your clubface just a little bit to counteract that ball moving left or right that's your call. So I'm going to sit in the slope I'm good I person with a the little bit to the left to counteract that fade feel like is a hand put on the back of my head and I'm going to hit a punch shot, and what you could see by his little punch shot is I'm hit the safety squeeze I'm kind of guided not golf ball where I want to go. The last thing you want to do on this particular lie take a cut at it lose your balance because then that's when you get the end of the right and you can also get the dreaded shank so on the downhill sidehill lie you can either align a bit to the left or you can close your clubface for alignment to counteract the ball's fading tendencies and almost do a sit in the flow stay with that little punch I think you'll do that I promise he will fight these lies too often.