Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher
Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to talk to you about hitting your normal pitch shot. Usually what I see in pitching and most people have a ball too far forward and lean back and they hang back and flip their hands and that gives them a lot of inconsistent contact. I'm going to show you an easier way what I'd like to do here is put the ball right in the center of our body lean the spine left what that does to put a little bit more weight on our forward foot it moves our low point a little more forward ensuring more solid contact.
So we have the ball in the center are spine to the left with a little bit more weight and you're all going to do set the wrists forming a lower case l between our arms and forearms of the club shaft once we set the club then we pivot through it on our right shoulder through. If the right shoulder stalls the hands take over and so once again we want to set and pivot. So ball to center leave the spine to the left with a little more weight here set and pivot. What that's going to do is cause the ball to fly in the air about halfway land on the green and then release a little bit and that will give you your normal straight forward pitch shot.