If you're looking for new advice to improve your golf drives, here are a few tips that may help: New Advice On How to Hit Better Golf Drives

  1. Focus on Setup: Ensure you have a solid foundation for your drive by paying attention to your setup. Position the ball slightly forward in your stance, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Maintain a slight tilt away from the target and a neutral spine angle. This setup will help promote a sweeping strike and an upward angle of attack.
  2. Generate Clubhead Speed: Increasing clubhead speed can lead to longer drives. Work on developing a smooth, efficient swing that generates maximum speed at impact. Focus on generating power from your core and hips while maintaining good balance and control.
  3. Maintain Tempo and Rhythm: Consistent tempo and rhythm are crucial for a solid drive. Practice maintaining a smooth and fluid swing throughout the entire motion. Avoid rushing the backswing or downswing, as it can disrupt your timing and impact the quality of your shot.
  4. Maximize Shoulder Turn: A full shoulder turn allows you to generate more power and distance. Focus on rotating your shoulders fully during the backswing, allowing your lead shoulder (left shoulder for right-handed golfers) to turn behind the ball. This will create a more powerful coil and help you unleash energy through the downswing.
  5. Hit Up on the Ball: To optimize distance, try to hit up on the ball slightly, especially with the driver. This promotes a higher launch angle and reduces backspin, resulting in longer drives. Visualize sweeping the ball off the tee rather than hitting down on it.
  6. Find the Right Tee Height: Experiment with tee height to find the optimal position for your driver. Adjust the tee so that about half of the ball is above the clubhead at address. This allows for a better angle of attack and a clean strike on the upswing.
  7. Practice with a Focus on Accuracy: While distance is important, accuracy should not be overlooked. Work on hitting drives consistently in the fairway by focusing on your alignment, aiming points, and swing path. A well-struck drive in the fairway sets you up for a better approach to the green.

Remember that practice and experimentation are key to improving your golf drives. It's also beneficial to seek guidance from a golf instructor who can provide personalized advice based on your specific swing and help you fine-tune your technique.


Q1: What are some common mistakes golfers make when trying to hit better drives? A1: Common mistakes include swinging too hard, improper setup, poor alignment, and not using the lower body effectively.

Q2: How can a golfer improve their swing speed and distance off the tee? A2: Golfers can work on improving their flexibility, strength, and sequencing in the swing to increase swing speed and distance.

Q3: What role does the driver's loft play in hitting better drives? A3: The driver's loft influences launch angle and spin, which affect distance and accuracy. Choosing the right loft for your swing is essential.

Q4: Can ball position affect the trajectory and distance of drives? A4: Yes, the ball position can affect the trajectory and distance of drives. Placing the ball more forward in the stance tends to promote a higher launch and more distance.

Q5: How important is the grip when hitting drives? A5: The grip is crucial for maintaining control and clubface alignment during the swing, impacting shot accuracy.

Q6: Should golfers focus more on hitting up on the ball or hitting down on the ball with the driver? A6: For most golfers, hitting up on the ball with the driver is more beneficial as it promotes a higher launch and optimizes distance.

Q7: What is the correct tee height for hitting drives? A7: The correct tee height allows for the ball's midsection to be level with the driver's crown when addressing the ball.

Q8: Can golfers benefit from using a launch monitor to analyze their drives? A8: Yes, a launch monitor provides valuable data on ball speed, launch angle, spin rate, and other critical factors that impact drives.

Q9: How can golfers improve their accuracy off the tee? A9: Improving alignment, maintaining a steady head, and focusing on a consistent pre-shot routine can enhance accuracy off the tee.

Q10: Should golfers use a more controlled swing with the driver to hit better drives? A10: While a controlled swing is essential, golfers should still focus on generating enough speed and power to maximize distance off the tee.

Q11: Can proper breathing technique improve a golfer's drives? A11: Yes, proper breathing helps relax the body and can contribute to a more fluid and efficient swing motion.

Q12: Can mental focus and visualization help golfers hit better drives? A12: Yes, mental focus and visualization can enhance confidence and commitment in hitting better drives.

Q13: How important is proper weight transfer in the golf swing for better drives? A13: Proper weight transfer helps generate power and allows the golfer to sequence the swing effectively.

Q14: Can a proper backswing and downswing sequence improve drives? A14: Yes, a proper backswing and downswing sequence are essential for generating maximum clubhead speed and achieving a consistent impact position.

Q15: Should golfers tee the ball higher for longer drives? A15: Teeing the ball higher can help golfers launch the ball higher, which can result in longer drives, but it should not be excessively high.

Q16: Can golfers benefit from using a slower tempo in their drives? A16: Some golfers find that a slower tempo allows them to control their swing better and hit more accurate drives.

Q17: Should golfers use a wider stance for better balance and power in the drives? A17: A slightly wider stance can provide better balance and stability, promoting a more powerful and controlled swing.

Q18: Can focusing on a specific target line improve a golfer's drives? A18: Yes, focusing on a specific target line helps with alignment and can improve shot direction.

Q19: Can golfers benefit from a professional club fitting to optimize their drives? A19: Yes, a professional club fitting can help golfers find the right driver and shaft combination to optimize launch conditions and distance.

Q20: How can a golfer improve their mental approach to hitting better drives? A20: Staying positive, managing expectations, and maintaining confidence in their abilities are crucial mental aspects to improve drives.


Q: What is the most important factor in hitting a good golf drive?

A: The most important factor in hitting a good golf drive is clubhead speed. The faster the clubhead speed, the more distance the ball will travel. There are a few things you can do to increase your clubhead speed, including:

  • Using a driver with a higher loft. A driver with a higher loft will help you hit the ball higher in the air, which will give it more time to travel.
  • Using a driver with a lighter shaft. A lighter shaft will help you swing the club faster.
  • Practicing regularly. The more you practice, the faster your swing will become.

Q: What are some common mistakes that people make when hitting golf drives?

A: Some common mistakes that people make when hitting golf drives include:

  • Not rotating their hips and shoulders together. This is a major power source in the golf swing, so it's important to get it right.
  • Not letting their trail leg release. This allows the hips to turn even further and create more clubhead speed.
  • Muscling the ball. This will only lead to tension and inconsistency.
  • Not following through with their swing. This will prevent you from generating maximum power.

Q: What are some drills that I can do to improve my golf drive?

A: There are a few drills that you can do to improve your golf drive, including:

  • The step back drill. This drill helps you get a feel for how much rotation you need in your swing. Stand in your setup position and take a step back with your trail foot as you swing back. This will force you to rotate your hips and shoulders more.
  • The mirror drill. This drill helps you see how your body is rotating during your swing. Stand in front of a mirror and practice your swing. Pay attention to how your hips and shoulders are rotating together.
  • The weighted club drill. This drill helps you develop more clubhead speed. Attach a weight to the end of your club and practice your swing. This will help you train your body to rotate more forcefully.

Q: How can I find the right driver for me?

A: There are a few things you can do to find the right driver for you, including:

  • Talk to your golf instructor. They can help you assess your swing and recommend a driver that fits your needs.
  • Try out different drivers. Go to a golf store and try out a few different drivers. See which one feels the most comfortable and gives you the best results.
  • Consider your swing speed. If you have a fast swing speed, you'll need a driver with a higher loft. If you have a slower swing speed, you'll need a driver with a lower loft.