Left Hand Golf Tip: Down and Through the Golf Ball by Tom Stickney
Left Hand Golf Tip: Down and Through the Golf Ball by Tom Stickney

Lefties only golf tip: Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to talk to you about making sure you hit down into the golf ball. You know we hear a lot of things about hitting down through the golf ball a lot of times people tend to try to help this golf ball in the air and when they do that they get that then clicky type of feeling. The ball can obviously roll on round if you top it like I just did there or it could just be a little thin.


Lefties only golf tip: Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to talk to you about making sure you hit down into the golf ball. You know we hear a lot of things about hitting down through the golf ball a lot of times people tend to try to help this golf ball in the air and when they do that they get that then clicky type of feeling. The ball can obviously roll on round if you top it like I just did there or it could just be a little thin.