PGA professionals Pete Styles and Matt Fryer will highlight various techniques that they feel can be used beneficially to encourage a shorter golf swing. This should provide more control for your golf shots, more consistency between all of your shots, and can also decrease the risk of injury to a golfer. This will allow the golfer to play more frequently and more enjoyable golf.
There is a thought in the game of golf Matt once you've got a good swing let's just get more of it let's make this bigger and longer grounder to get good long shots. Yeah but you've got a theory here yes maybe that's not quite the case and maybegolfer should focused on making quality of swing rather than massive great long swings what benefits are you going to have a short swing Matt. So if we see you know you can to be in more control as I like to think if you've got a little bit like the old greed sort of thinking going great going great and then it all spirals out of control because you want it more and more and more of it and you couldn't keep track of actually what was going on.
So in the golf swing you know you see something where it's going good its going to the top of the backswing always hit some lovely checkpoints. Should you come down you are probably no it's let's keep going I can get more out of this and all of the hard work now is starting to geundone and it's going to lead to a bit of an iffy consistency as we're going through. Is that driven from a goal designed to try and hit the ball further maybe they're hitting 150 yards with 7 iron and they are happy with the distance and they think well how about if I do more of my swing I might get 160 I might get 170 yeah ego takes over I try and hit the ball so hard that I ended up to be losing control of the good stuff I had anyway.