Left Handed Golf Tip: Swing Choice Sweep or Pinch the Ball by Tom Stickney
Left Handed Golf Tip: Swing Choice Sweep or Pinch the Ball by Tom Stickney

Lefties only golf tip: Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today were going to talk about your fairway woods. You know a lot of times people have trouble they tend to pop their woods or they can get beat down their woods seem to have some trouble. We want to make sure that you understand that you can be a sweeper where you just kind of brush the ground or you could be more of a pincher where you kind of go down and through it remember woods are very very personal.


Lefties only golf tip: Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today were going to talk about your fairway woods. You know a lot of times people have trouble they tend to pop their woods or they can get beat down their woods seem to have some trouble. We want to make sure that you understand that you can be a sweeper where you just kind of brush the ground or you could be more of a pincher where you kind of go down and through it remember woods are very very personal.