Need Extra Driver Distance? Create Left to Right Golf Draw Shot (Video) - by Natalie Adams
Need Extra Driver Distance? Create Left to Right Golf Draw Shot (Video) - by Natalie Adams Natalie Adams - PGA Teaching Pro Natalie Adams – PGA Teaching Pro

If you'd like to create a longer more powerful golf shot from your swing and get rid of a slice that’s been plaguing you then the most important thing you’ve got to do is get control of your swing path. The slice will come from an out in swing path and better players and more consistent players tend to have an in to out swing path. So if we look at what that means if the pole would be going from the ball down to the target as you swing back better players will tend to keep the club closer to their body, keep their hands, keep the club behind them more, turn the lower body but hold their shoulders back. Keep the shoulders turn to the right of the target, that will allow you to bring the club into this position and now the club face can move from the inside of the target line. So from the side you are stood on and then you can hit into the ball and extend your arms out across the target line for an in to out swing path. An in to out swing path will give you much more power because it keeps the rotation in your body for a lot longer and it makes a much more aggressive release with the rotation in your body as you hit the ball and with the arm action. You'll get much more rotation in your arm action and also right to left movement in the ball there's less backspin on the ball so it gives you a much more powerful and penetrating ball flight.


Natalie Adams - PGA Teaching Pro Natalie Adams – PGA Teaching Pro

If you'd like to create a longer more powerful golf shot from your swing and get rid of a slice that’s been plaguing you then the most important thing you’ve got to do is get control of your swing path. The slice will come from an out in swing path and better players and more consistent players tend to have an in to out swing path. So if we look at what that means if the pole would be going from the ball down to the target as you swing back better players will tend to keep the club closer to their body, keep their hands, keep the club behind them more, turn the lower body but hold their shoulders back. Keep the shoulders turn to the right of the target, that will allow you to bring the club into this position and now the club face can move from the inside of the target line. So from the side you are stood on and then you can hit into the ball and extend your arms out across the target line for an in to out swing path. An in to out swing path will give you much more power because it keeps the rotation in your body for a lot longer and it makes a much more aggressive release with the rotation in your body as you hit the ball and with the arm action. You'll get much more rotation in your arm action and also right to left movement in the ball there's less backspin on the ball so it gives you a much more powerful and penetrating ball flight.