Increase Your Power - Toe In For Leg Slide Lesson by PGA Teaching Pro Adrian Fryer (Video)
Increase Your Power - Toe In For Leg Slide Lesson by PGA Teaching Pro Adrian Fryer (Video) Adrian Fryer â?? PGA Teaching Pro Adrian Fryer – PGA Teaching Pro

So where is the power coming from in the golf swing? Well it's a multitude of things really that are creating it, but a lot of folks think that if they really over use their legs or they've got into the habit of sliding their legs this is going to give them a lot more power. Unfortunately if you've got a golf swing where legs slide too much and you moving along like so this will tend to bend the body put you in this reverse C position for a little too long. You'll find that you can be dropping the club inside catching the ground behind the ball. You wear your shoe out as well dragging this whole long has a and you hit blocks and hooks it's not really good medicine for good golf shots. So I want to share with you a little drill that's going to help you balance this out. Calm your legs down and put a little bit more rotation in the motion, and it's a very simple drill that once you've addressed the golf ball I want you to toe the legs in.

So your pointing your toes towards the golf ball this immobilizes the legs and stops the knees moving around and what it'll do from this position you'll start to create a feeling of your upper body rotating over the lower body. So now you're using your legs as a base or a support system I'd like to think of it that your legs are just for standing on the not really to be overused in the golf swing. You're not trying to do Elvis Presley impression. So we turn the legs in now I can get the feeling of rotating my upper body can catch my lower body up it'll give me a lot more stability in the swing and kill off that slide. Let me give that a little go so pointing my toes in towards a golf ball correct posture, and rotate you can see there is a lot more speed in rotation and my legs are a lot quieter that's definitely going to make me a better ball striker.


Adrian Fryer â?? PGA Teaching Pro Adrian Fryer – PGA Teaching Pro

So where is the power coming from in the golf swing? Well it's a multitude of things really that are creating it, but a lot of folks think that if they really over use their legs or they've got into the habit of sliding their legs this is going to give them a lot more power. Unfortunately if you've got a golf swing where legs slide too much and you moving along like so this will tend to bend the body put you in this reverse C position for a little too long. You'll find that you can be dropping the club inside catching the ground behind the ball. You wear your shoe out as well dragging this whole long has a and you hit blocks and hooks it's not really good medicine for good golf shots. So I want to share with you a little drill that's going to help you balance this out. Calm your legs down and put a little bit more rotation in the motion, and it's a very simple drill that once you've addressed the golf ball I want you to toe the legs in.

So your pointing your toes towards the golf ball this immobilizes the legs and stops the knees moving around and what it'll do from this position you'll start to create a feeling of your upper body rotating over the lower body. So now you're using your legs as a base or a support system I'd like to think of it that your legs are just for standing on the not really to be overused in the golf swing. You're not trying to do Elvis Presley impression. So we turn the legs in now I can get the feeling of rotating my upper body can catch my lower body up it'll give me a lot more stability in the swing and kill off that slide. Let me give that a little go so pointing my toes in towards a golf ball correct posture, and rotate you can see there is a lot more speed in rotation and my legs are a lot quieter that's definitely going to make me a better ball striker.