Top Look at Head Movement by Tom Stickney
Top Look at Head Movement by Tom Stickney Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to show you a little overhead view of my golf swing. Just to show you that the head indeed has a little bit of motion but it were have to work within certain parameters. Now while he will see is that they head I've drawn a circle around my head and you can see on the way back there's a little bit of the motion but not a bunch through the top. Now the head might move a little bit this way all the way back when you're balancing there's a sense that it will move you obviously back more forward so you can control your low point. So you'll see a little bit head motion on the way back but it's very very controlled you'll see a little bit of head motion on the way through but it's again very very controlled.

So the head should start and finish in pretty much the same spot you can see that my head is just a couple of frames there is almost impact. See you can see my head start right here finishes right here there's not a lot of head motion but only look at it faster you do see a little bit head motion. So what I like to tell my students is this while standing riveted with your head is not a good idea you thought of trying to keep your head a little bit more stable within that circle is a good idea. So this is a very good way to show the golf swing from an overhead view so you can kind of see how the head's moves how it stays stable you might see a little side to side motion but we really don't want to see any heel to toe motion because that can give you really a lot of issues as you start to hit the golf ball.


Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to show you a little overhead view of my golf swing. Just to show you that the head indeed has a little bit of motion but it were have to work within certain parameters. Now while he will see is that they head I've drawn a circle around my head and you can see on the way back there's a little bit of the motion but not a bunch through the top. Now the head might move a little bit this way all the way back when you're balancing there's a sense that it will move you obviously back more forward so you can control your low point. So you'll see a little bit head motion on the way back but it's very very controlled you'll see a little bit of head motion on the way through but it's again very very controlled.

So the head should start and finish in pretty much the same spot you can see that my head is just a couple of frames there is almost impact. See you can see my head start right here finishes right here there's not a lot of head motion but only look at it faster you do see a little bit head motion. So what I like to tell my students is this while standing riveted with your head is not a good idea you thought of trying to keep your head a little bit more stable within that circle is a good idea. So this is a very good way to show the golf swing from an overhead view so you can kind of see how the head's moves how it stays stable you might see a little side to side motion but we really don't want to see any heel to toe motion because that can give you really a lot of issues as you start to hit the golf ball.