Keep the Putter Shaft Lean the Same Through Impact by Tom Stickney
Keep the Putter Shaft Lean the Same Through Impact by Tom Stickney Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to show you the putting stroke of Tiger Woods. Now this particular putting stroke at Tiger's using was filmed a couple years ago back before he had a little issue with his putting that he's having now be starting to get back on track with the roller thank goodness. As you can see I've drawn an Orange Line up the address position of the club shaft and the orange line out in front of that line is where the putter shaft is at impact on 4 to the video bounces around a bit but what you're going to see is he is Tiger takes it back his putter shaft maintains the same forward lean all the way back and all the way through.

Which means Tiger has consistent loft on his putter so therefore he can control the speed a lot more effectively. So if your putter shaft is backing up or you lean you're putter shaft too far forward at impact you're going to have a lot of trouble so the key is what you set your hand wrist and club shaft you need to maintain it all the way to the top and then all the way through and you can really see Tiger maintains its address position all the way through his putting stroke and voila boom and when he reaches impact you can see it looks exactly like the forward lean of the club at address. So that is the reason why right here is the reason why he has been such a great putter all these years because if you can return the club shaft back to the same address positions for shaft leant then you always control the loft of your putter and you'll be a heck of a lot better off.


Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to show you the putting stroke of Tiger Woods. Now this particular putting stroke at Tiger's using was filmed a couple years ago back before he had a little issue with his putting that he's having now be starting to get back on track with the roller thank goodness. As you can see I've drawn an Orange Line up the address position of the club shaft and the orange line out in front of that line is where the putter shaft is at impact on 4 to the video bounces around a bit but what you're going to see is he is Tiger takes it back his putter shaft maintains the same forward lean all the way back and all the way through.

Which means Tiger has consistent loft on his putter so therefore he can control the speed a lot more effectively. So if your putter shaft is backing up or you lean you're putter shaft too far forward at impact you're going to have a lot of trouble so the key is what you set your hand wrist and club shaft you need to maintain it all the way to the top and then all the way through and you can really see Tiger maintains its address position all the way through his putting stroke and voila boom and when he reaches impact you can see it looks exactly like the forward lean of the club at address. So that is the reason why right here is the reason why he has been such a great putter all these years because if you can return the club shaft back to the same address positions for shaft leant then you always control the loft of your putter and you'll be a heck of a lot better off.