What Is The Perfect Golf Follow Through To The Finish For Clean Crisp Golf Wedge Shots (Video) - by Pete Styles
What Is The Perfect Golf Follow Through To The Finish For Clean Crisp Golf Wedge Shots (Video) - by Pete Styles

This really is one of my favorite parts of any wedge shot, watching good players come through to a nice follow through position and just watching their action in the follow through, because there’s a whole heap of what you do here affects what you do down here as well. A lot of people will ruin a lot of good work by getting into the wrong follow through position. Major fault in the wrong follow through position when you’re hitting a wedge shot is letting this happen, letting the wrist scoop and cup underneath. Effectively, it’s a bit of a flick. And it might look like it happens here, but it starts to have an effect down there on the golf and it could ruin a lot of good work. So, a really nice feeling in your wedge follow through is a follow through should go about as far as the back swing.

So, whatever distance you swing back, you swing through to the same height, the same distance. If we could pick one we’d say go slightly longer. Definitely don’t go shorter, if you’ve got a big back swing that then stops that looks like it’s -- got a deceleration. You’re not committing to the shot. So, if you wanted to think 1/3, 2/3 and accelerate, that would be fine. 50/50 is okay; 2/3 to 1/3 is not really what we’re after. So, as we set up to the golf ball, body weight’s on the left side, short looking back swing and a longer follow through, but quite importantly in the follow through we don’t want to give it too much of the hands. We want to hold it off a little bit. So, we pitch forwards and we hold off the follow through. Now, by holding-off what I mean here is, if I bring that club back down to my impact position, my hands haven’t really changed. So, I hit this, shoulder’s coming back, punt through without too much hand action and for a shorter reduced flight pit shot, that’s a great way of following through. Clearly on your bigger swings, follow back throwing, you might need the big full follow through, but if you can control the follow through on your short pitch and wedge shots without using your hands, that will definitely give you more accuracy and cleaner crisper wedge shots.

This really is one of my favorite parts of any wedge shot, watching good players come through to a nice follow through position and just watching their action in the follow through, because there’s a whole heap of what you do here affects what you do down here as well. A lot of people will ruin a lot of good work by getting into the wrong follow through position. Major fault in the wrong follow through position when you’re hitting a wedge shot is letting this happen, letting the wrist scoop and cup underneath. Effectively, it’s a bit of a flick. And it might look like it happens here, but it starts to have an effect down there on the golf and it could ruin a lot of good work. So, a really nice feeling in your wedge follow through is a follow through should go about as far as the back swing.

So, whatever distance you swing back, you swing through to the same height, the same distance. If we could pick one we’d say go slightly longer. Definitely don’t go shorter, if you’ve got a big back swing that then stops that looks like it’s — got a deceleration. You’re not committing to the shot. So, if you wanted to think 1/3, 2/3 and accelerate, that would be fine. 50/50 is okay; 2/3 to 1/3 is not really what we’re after.

So, as we set up to the golf ball, body weight’s on the left side, short looking back swing and a longer follow through, but quite importantly in the follow through we don’t want to give it too much of the hands. We want to hold it off a little bit. So, we pitch forwards and we hold off the follow through. Now, by holding-off what I mean here is, if I bring that club back down to my impact position, my hands haven’t really changed. So, I hit this, shoulder’s coming back, punt through without too much hand action and for a shorter reduced flight pit shot, that’s a great way of following through. Clearly on your bigger swings, follow back throwing, you might need the big full follow through, but if you can control the follow through on your short pitch and wedge shots without using your hands, that will definitely give you more accuracy and cleaner crisper wedge shots.