How To Chip Over Bunkers - (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer
How To Chip Over Bunkers - (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer

In this video tip PGA Professionals Pete Styles and Matt Fryer will discuss how a golfer can better chip over a troublesome bunker by applying a technique that will make the shot feel like a normal pitch whilst allowing the loft of the golf club to do the hard work, and also encouraging the golfer to play past the flag if this makes the shot look and feel easier, using less risk.

Matt, this is a tip that I'm going to call I'm not in the bunker yet, and I think it refers to the fact that a lot of golfers, if they're playing towards the white flag, as we're going to on a par three or four, they've hit their second shot here on the par four short of the green.


In this video tip PGA Professionals Pete Styles and Matt Fryer will discuss how a golfer can better chip over a troublesome bunker by applying a technique that will make the shot feel like a normal pitch whilst allowing the loft of the golf club to do the hard work, and also encouraging the golfer to play past the flag if this makes the shot look and feel easier, using less risk.

Matt, this is a tip that I'm going to call I'm not in the bunker yet, and I think it refers to the fact that a lot of golfers, if they're playing towards the white flag, as we're going to on a par three or four, they've hit their second shot here on the par four short of the green.