Follow Through Like A Tour Pro – (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer
Follow Through Like A Tour Pro – (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer

In this video tip PGA golf professionals Pete Styles and Matt Fryer help you to understand how fundamentally important a correct follow-through should be to your game. Undoubtedly, when we watch tour pros on the TV they will largely be holding a balanced and athletic follow-through position. This will help them to create a consistent and repeatable golf swing even under the utmost pressure. Club golfers could learn an awful lot about this balanced follow-through position and therefore Matt and Pete will help you to understand how holding your follow-through until the golf ball lands could be a game changer.

One of my favorites aspects of watching any golf tournament TV watching the best players in the world is showing them off seeing them hold their balance. Yeah show the average golfer how it's going to be put together with this balance elements of the swing and I think we don't necessarily see that when we look down the driving range of a normal club practice ground yes we see golf is one thing we saw calling over here with shoulder most tour pro certainly in the drive but holding that balance in the golf ball. Yeah definitely even at speed as well it just shows how we can control the art of the golf swing I like to think of it when you see a lot of people falling over it's almost that the club is controlling the golfer and dragging them where they want to go as opposed to the tour pros stuff and you know looks like he could stun them holes for hours on end really well they have to put sponsors obligation of like I've got to get in and I got to get the squash on camera all the logo on camera so you have to stay perfectly still but it's a great point for this to a lot of club golfers could benefit from.

Definitely give me the top tip give me a drill where I can do to keep going to driving range to match the tour pro follow through. Yeah it's like yeah actually so I'm just going to steal your club a few that and what I'd like to do it's not a not go I'm not a hitting drill. This one more of a gaining control of our body by making certain movements as we go through so as I've just pop this club down. Now I'm going to do that as slide my lead foot in there and as you said when we see a lot of people the club golfers and they are out of control what we tend to see something whether balling away in a different direction the ball the lack of bounce is really evident as they're making the swings. So I'd like to see people start to do is normal set up then we're going to take the club I'm going to cross across our shoulders here now and as we can see I've got my good posture I'd make my normal backswing here and now the aim for me is to now get this club matching up to the club on the floor. If I don't do it if I'm falling all over it's no where near this club on the floor so even just in small swings and turning through into a good follow through as I make my backswing and then go through into my follow through you can see that it's sitting directly on top of it that I've got a really solid structure and as we turn on to this camera now I'm pointing straight down is of how I was staring the target down as I've made my good swing.

So I'd have rehearsals of turned up balance finish and hold it and see that I've got this club matching got low as well and I say if it was the one where. Hear of not mached up very noticeable areas well how you want to get your hips your belt buckle in your chest. Look at the intended target yet but a natural thing to do when it's done well isn't it yeah it's definitely easier than the falling over 100 percent you know nothing you know we've talked about off camera and even in general conversations when you hit the Porsche are you not watching it you've fallen over you don't see the ball down and following on from this to prove that movement want to be done actually get into hitting some shots I'd like us to be aware of what we've just done there in the feelings that were created when I was doing that drill and then the final piece of the poll once you've actually hate the golf ball and you've hit it nicely and you've turned into this follow through I want you to watch that golf ball to the hits the ground so it's you know is that I yeah let's see how long that takes Yes And you know even counting the hours I do it in my mind and I'll speak the words obviously here it might be 123 seconds I'm doing it but I'm holding this posture and learning to control my balance as I go through it so I take my good set up I'm feeling nice and balanced I hit it and it's one toe. Hooray for 5 on the ball just landed on a hole that this nice structures I've gone through I've been able to stomp a completely for 5 seconds it felt like a long time full seconds you know I felt an age this is my whole stop this is most people have walked off got the club back in the back before things not looking out it still holding out violence and play games with the self see if you can hold the balance for 10 20 30 shots in a row without falling over before the full lens imagine you're trying to get your sponsors logo notices on the T.V. help by holding that followed 3 position just as much that the great exercise was holding the club of the matching it up on the ground the hips in the chest and shoulders because I think you could prove your balance in your follow through you'll improve the stuff that happens before it gets the best to strike back to golf shots and you'll look like about the golf into the bargain as well.


In this video tip PGA golf professionals Pete Styles and Matt Fryer help you to understand how fundamentally important a correct follow-through should be to your game. Undoubtedly, when we watch tour pros on the TV they will largely be holding a balanced and athletic follow-through position. This will help them to create a consistent and repeatable golf swing even under the utmost pressure. Club golfers could learn an awful lot about this balanced follow-through position and therefore Matt and Pete will help you to understand how holding your follow-through until the golf ball lands could be a game changer.

One of my favorites aspects of watching any golf tournament TV watching the best players in the world is showing them off seeing them hold their balance. Yeah show the average golfer how it's going to be put together with this balance elements of the swing and I think we don't necessarily see that when we look down the driving range of a normal club practice ground yes we see golf is one thing we saw calling over here with shoulder most tour pro certainly in the drive but holding that balance in the golf ball. Yeah definitely even at speed as well it just shows how we can control the art of the golf swing I like to think of it when you see a lot of people falling over it's almost that the club is controlling the golfer and dragging them where they want to go as opposed to the tour pros stuff and you know looks like he could stun them holes for hours on end really well they have to put sponsors obligation of like I've got to get in and I got to get the squash on camera all the logo on camera so you have to stay perfectly still but it's a great point for this to a lot of club golfers could benefit from.

Definitely give me the top tip give me a drill where I can do to keep going to driving range to match the tour pro follow through. Yeah it's like yeah actually so I'm just going to steal your club a few that and what I'd like to do it's not a not go I'm not a hitting drill. This one more of a gaining control of our body by making certain movements as we go through so as I've just pop this club down. Now I'm going to do that as slide my lead foot in there and as you said when we see a lot of people the club golfers and they are out of control what we tend to see something whether balling away in a different direction the ball the lack of bounce is really evident as they're making the swings. So I'd like to see people start to do is normal set up then we're going to take the club I'm going to cross across our shoulders here now and as we can see I've got my good posture I'd make my normal backswing here and now the aim for me is to now get this club matching up to the club on the floor. If I don't do it if I'm falling all over it's no where near this club on the floor so even just in small swings and turning through into a good follow through as I make my backswing and then go through into my follow through you can see that it's sitting directly on top of it that I've got a really solid structure and as we turn on to this camera now I'm pointing straight down is of how I was staring the target down as I've made my good swing.

So I'd have rehearsals of turned up balance finish and hold it and see that I've got this club matching got low as well and I say if it was the one where. Hear of not mached up very noticeable areas well how you want to get your hips your belt buckle in your chest. Look at the intended target yet but a natural thing to do when it's done well isn't it yeah it's definitely easier than the falling over 100 percent you know nothing you know we've talked about off camera and even in general conversations when you hit the Porsche are you not watching it you've fallen over you don't see the ball down and following on from this to prove that movement want to be done actually get into hitting some shots I'd like us to be aware of what we've just done there in the feelings that were created when I was doing that drill and then the final piece of the poll once you've actually hate the golf ball and you've hit it nicely and you've turned into this follow through I want you to watch that golf ball to the hits the ground so it's you know is that I yeah let's see how long that takes Yes And you know even counting the hours I do it in my mind and I'll speak the words obviously here it might be 123 seconds I'm doing it but I'm holding this posture and learning to control my balance as I go through it so I take my good set up I'm feeling nice and balanced I hit it and it's one toe. Hooray for 5 on the ball just landed on a hole that this nice structures I've gone through I've been able to stomp a completely for 5 seconds it felt like a long time full seconds you know I felt an age this is my whole stop this is most people have walked off got the club back in the back before things not looking out it still holding out violence and play games with the self see if you can hold the balance for 10 20 30 shots in a row without falling over before the full lens imagine you're trying to get your sponsors logo notices on the T.V. help by holding that followed 3 position just as much that the great exercise was holding the club of the matching it up on the ground the hips in the chest and shoulders because I think you could prove your balance in your follow through you'll improve the stuff that happens before it gets the best to strike back to golf shots and you'll look like about the golf into the bargain as well.