Perfect Golf Stance, Solid Base for Correct Setup (Video) - by Natalie Adams
Perfect Golf Stance, Solid Base for Correct Setup (Video) - by Natalie Adams Natalie Adams - PGA Teaching Pro Natalie Adams – PGA Teaching Pro

During your golf swing there is going to be a lot of rotational movement and a lot of power generated. So it’s really important to have a solid base and create and build a really good solid stance. So allow these rotational movements. So if we look at how to do that, as you address the ball, you want to work on getting your feet shoulder width apart. Now if you’re not sure how wide shoulder width apart is, just simply using your golf club to measure that. You place the bottom end of the gold club on the outside of one shoulder and then just mark with your thumb and index finger the outside of the other shoulder, that should be big toe to big toe in your--for your golf stance. And the reason we want to get the feet shoulder width apart to create this firm stable base is during your backswing your shoulders are really going to make a big rotational movement during the swing.

So it’s very, very important that the base below all of that movement is very solid. If the feet are too narrow, and the upper body stars to rotate, you are going to find it very easy to come off balance and to sway and simulate the other way. So work on getting the feet shoulder width apart. That will form a really solid base that you can then build your stance from and it will have you hitting much more balanced golf shots and help you generate a lot more consistency.


Natalie Adams - PGA Teaching Pro Natalie Adams – PGA Teaching Pro

During your golf swing there is going to be a lot of rotational movement and a lot of power generated. So it’s really important to have a solid base and create and build a really good solid stance. So allow these rotational movements. So if we look at how to do that, as you address the ball, you want to work on getting your feet shoulder width apart. Now if you’re not sure how wide shoulder width apart is, just simply using your golf club to measure that. You place the bottom end of the gold club on the outside of one shoulder and then just mark with your thumb and index finger the outside of the other shoulder, that should be big toe to big toe in your–for your golf stance. And the reason we want to get the feet shoulder width apart to create this firm stable base is during your backswing your shoulders are really going to make a big rotational movement during the swing.

So it’s very, very important that the base below all of that movement is very solid. If the feet are too narrow, and the upper body stars to rotate, you are going to find it very easy to come off balance and to sway and simulate the other way. So work on getting the feet shoulder width apart. That will form a really solid base that you can then build your stance from and it will have you hitting much more balanced golf shots and help you generate a lot more consistency.