Pulling Up Causes Thin Shots by Tom Stickney
Pulling Up Causes Thin Shots by Tom Stickney Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to talk to you about hitting the ball thin. A lot of times when people are practicing they tend to pull up catch the ball on the upswing but at the ball around the equator it has to come out you know low flat just doesn't feel very good the kind of clicky. What usually happens when people hit the ball is thin they come down they move their low point backwards by maybe falling back and they pull up with their hands trying not to get the club to the ground behind the golf ball.

So a good way to stop it hitting the ball thin is to really focus on taking a tee putting it out on the golf ball and what I want to do is I want to hit the golf ball, and I want to clip that tee off the ground. What that does is forces you to move your low point more forward and drive that club into the ground as opposed to hanging back and trying to help the club and not hit the ground help the ball up in the air. So remember in order not to the ball thin put a tee right for the golf ball and really work on going down and through the golf ball and if you do that the low point will be in front of the golf ball and you won't hit it thin very often.


Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to talk to you about hitting the ball thin. A lot of times when people are practicing they tend to pull up catch the ball on the upswing but at the ball around the equator it has to come out you know low flat just doesn't feel very good the kind of clicky. What usually happens when people hit the ball is thin they come down they move their low point backwards by maybe falling back and they pull up with their hands trying not to get the club to the ground behind the golf ball.

So a good way to stop it hitting the ball thin is to really focus on taking a tee putting it out on the golf ball and what I want to do is I want to hit the golf ball, and I want to clip that tee off the ground. What that does is forces you to move your low point more forward and drive that club into the ground as opposed to hanging back and trying to help the club and not hit the ground help the ball up in the air. So remember in order not to the ball thin put a tee right for the golf ball and really work on going down and through the golf ball and if you do that the low point will be in front of the golf ball and you won't hit it thin very often.