40 Plus Long Explosion Bunker Shots by Tom Stickney
40 Plus Long Explosion Bunker Shots by Tom Stickney Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Tom Stickley Golf magazine top 100 instructor today we're talk about one of the coolest body shots I've ever seen. I actually saw this in a Greg Norman short game video years and years ago so Greg thank you so much this tip it saved me a lot of strokes. OK you have the 40 yard bunker shot 60 yard what have you and all of a sudden you're in here and you're trying to hit the golf ball just right you to hit it fat and thin. Greg showed us a great way to do it all you're going to do is I have an 8 iron right here you can use that 9 and 8 a 7 5 it doesn't really matter all clubs go a little bit different distances I'm going to set up to the golf ball just like I would to hit my normal explosion shot with my 8 iron.

I'm going to line my body a little bit more to the left because this ball is going to have some cut spin on it and it's going to tend to move a little left or right and when it hits the ground it's also going to spin a little to the right. So you're going to have to play for that so once again I'm going to set up my 8 on to my 40 yard buckers shot open it up able little bit to the left make my normal explosion shot when I make my normal explosive shot the ball tends to have a little cut speed and it's going to hit the green it's going to tend to spin to the right just a little bit. It is so much easier and used to go up here and tried to pick the ball the right amount I've never been able to pick the ball the right amount and neither do most people. So try Greg Norman shot with a longer club aim a little bit to the left and hit that long explosive shot I will guarantee those 40 50 60 yards out bunker shots going to heck of a lot easier so Greg my hat's off to you.


Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Tom Stickley Golf magazine top 100 instructor today we're talk about one of the coolest body shots I've ever seen. I actually saw this in a Greg Norman short game video years and years ago so Greg thank you so much this tip it saved me a lot of strokes. OK you have the 40 yard bunker shot 60 yard what have you and all of a sudden you're in here and you're trying to hit the golf ball just right you to hit it fat and thin. Greg showed us a great way to do it all you're going to do is I have an 8 iron right here you can use that 9 and 8 a 7 5 it doesn't really matter all clubs go a little bit different distances I'm going to set up to the golf ball just like I would to hit my normal explosion shot with my 8 iron.

I'm going to line my body a little bit more to the left because this ball is going to have some cut spin on it and it's going to tend to move a little left or right and when it hits the ground it's also going to spin a little to the right. So you're going to have to play for that so once again I'm going to set up my 8 on to my 40 yard buckers shot open it up able little bit to the left make my normal explosion shot when I make my normal explosive shot the ball tends to have a little cut speed and it's going to hit the green it's going to tend to spin to the right just a little bit. It is so much easier and used to go up here and tried to pick the ball the right amount I've never been able to pick the ball the right amount and neither do most people. So try Greg Norman shot with a longer club aim a little bit to the left and hit that long explosive shot I will guarantee those 40 50 60 yards out bunker shots going to heck of a lot easier so Greg my hat's off to you.