Adrian Fryer – PGA Teaching Pro
So when we're talking about the set up in full swing obviously in golf it can be made to be seem a very very complex sport. You can go on the Internet and break the swing down to thousands and hundreds or thousands of components if you choose to, but at the end of the day in real terms from the time the game began we're doing two big things. We've got to stand to it correctly and then we've got to synchronize the swinging of the arms with the turning of the body. That's what every golfer does whether you're Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus you've got to turn the body and swing the arms. So there are really three big key positions if you can master these you are actually going to be quite a respectable golfer. So number one do you look like a golfer at address? Are you stood correctly where you satisfying the correct grip, correct posture, correct stance, and you look something right? You can almost tell somebody is handicapped when you see them on the first tee from their set up if they're stood like a crab you know their handicap.
May well not be very low but if they're stood professionally with the correct grip and they look like a golfer they've got a chance. Then really the next position is just the point in motion really is can you make a decent back swing where you turn your body in it's own space and point the club at the target. So from here assuming I've got the correct set up can I turn the body point the club at the target so that's really number two and then finally number three can I swing through and finish correctly. So if you can get number one number two and number three you've got a good chance if you look like a golfer. At number one and look like a golfer and number two that there number three is poor it's not going to work. If you look good at number one and number two is wrong it isn't going to work if you can satisfy those three simple components do a little good here you're going to end up with a golf swing that looks pretty simple and pretty efficient so you don't really need to over complicate this. So a good set up a good back swing good finish you're starting to look like a golfer you're going to be consistent. You're going to be balanced that's going to really improve your game.