Left Handed Golf Tips: Best Backswing Drill For Better Golf (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer
Left Handed Golf Tips: Best Backswing Drill For Better Golf (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer

Lefties only golf tip: During this next video, Matthew and I would really like to provide you with an opportunity to check your back swing when you're down at the driving range, or when you're practicing at home, utilizing a mirror where that camera is going to be, we're going to put a mirror there.


Lefties only golf tip: During this next video, Matthew and I would really like to provide you with an opportunity to check your back swing when you're down at the driving range, or when you're practicing at home, utilizing a mirror where that camera is going to be, we're going to put a mirror there.