Left Handed Golf Tips: How To Crunch Your Irons by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer
Left Handed Golf Tips: How To Crunch Your Irons by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer

Lefties only golf tip: One of the key differences that we often see between club golfers and professional golfers is how they take it divot. Yes, so often we see golfers who think so. The beginning golfers and early stage club golfers feel that it's a bad if it should be should be some frowned upon, avoid the frowned upon and only hackers or bad golf activities.


Lefties only golf tip: One of the key differences that we often see between club golfers and professional golfers is how they take it divot. Yes, so often we see golfers who think so. The beginning golfers and early stage club golfers feel that it's a bad if it should be should be some frowned upon, avoid the frowned upon and only hackers or bad golf activities.