Left Handed Golf Tips: Improve Your Golf Swing Transition With This Great Drill (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer
Left Handed Golf Tips: Improve Your Golf Swing Transition With This Great Drill (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer

Lefties only golf tip: Well, Pete, when we talk about the golf swing, there's three parts to a golf swing. People generally know two of them. And then don't know a lot about the third one. And it's one that can cause a few errors. So the two we know will be the backswing and then the downswing.


Lefties only golf tip: Well, Pete, when we talk about the golf swing, there's three parts to a golf swing. People generally know two of them. And then don't know a lot about the third one. And it's one that can cause a few errors. So the two we know will be the backswing and then the downswing.