Move Your Hips Through Impact - (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer
Move Your Hips Through Impact - (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer

Correctly starting your golf downswing can be a fundamental aspect of delivering the club to the ball correctly. Many issues can arise if the initial motion of the golf club from the top of the swing down towards the ball is handled incorrectly. A correct hip movement in a bump like fashion followed by a vertical dropping of the arms at the top of the backswing can often be used. This is the correct motion to deliver the club towards the back of the ball as explained by Pete Styles and Matt Fryer in this video tip.

So in this video myself and Pete are going to be focusing on the role of the hips in the golf swing. Sometimes they get a little bit overlooked we think a lot about the golf club a lot about our hands and our arms but sometimes neglect to actually see what's going on with the golf with the hips and the golf swing and if we were to watch the best players in the world there's definitely a lot going on down there. Certainly, a lot of people talk about this is being the engine of the golf swing yeah we're going to have all along way you are need a good engine to do that yet so if we got healthy working engine what does that look like Pete.

Good stuff we're going to set up to the golf ball I'm going to look a little bit at this camera and now I'm going to think my address position and you'll notice my hips the square of the intended camera they're all pointing down my intended target line. During the swing I'm not going to maintain that position because I rotate quite a long way in the backswing around about 45 degree hip rotation and that sort of loading up to create power. Then it's all about releasing the power this way Matt and no point to the hips get back to the square position hitting the ball they are not back to this position.


Correctly starting your golf downswing can be a fundamental aspect of delivering the club to the ball correctly. Many issues can arise if the initial motion of the golf club from the top of the swing down towards the ball is handled incorrectly. A correct hip movement in a bump like fashion followed by a vertical dropping of the arms at the top of the backswing can often be used. This is the correct motion to deliver the club towards the back of the ball as explained by Pete Styles and Matt Fryer in this video tip.

So in this video myself and Pete are going to be focusing on the role of the hips in the golf swing. Sometimes they get a little bit overlooked we think a lot about the golf club a lot about our hands and our arms but sometimes neglect to actually see what's going on with the golf with the hips and the golf swing and if we were to watch the best players in the world there's definitely a lot going on down there. Certainly, a lot of people talk about this is being the engine of the golf swing yeah we're going to have all along way you are need a good engine to do that yet so if we got healthy working engine what does that look like Pete.

Good stuff we're going to set up to the golf ball I'm going to look a little bit at this camera and now I'm going to think my address position and you'll notice my hips the square of the intended camera they're all pointing down my intended target line. During the swing I'm not going to maintain that position because I rotate quite a long way in the backswing around about 45 degree hip rotation and that sort of loading up to create power. Then it's all about releasing the power this way Matt and no point to the hips get back to the square position hitting the ball they are not back to this position.