What Is The Best Grip For Straight Golf Drives (Video) - by Peter Finch
What Is The Best Grip For Straight Golf Drives (Video) - by Peter Finch

What is the best grip for straight golf drives? Now in general the best grip for straight golf driving is one which isn’t always a neutral grip, and not only for driving, but the rest of the clubs as well. If you can get yourself a neutral golf grip on the club it will help square the club face a lot better at the point of impact and get it pointing down towards your target. Now this isn’t universal, some players do benefit from a stronger grip, some players do benefit from a slightly weaker grip, but in the most cases a neutral grip is the way forward. Now to achieve a neutral grip what you want to be seeing is the club grip to be running through the fingers from the base of the little finger, up through the middle of the index finger on the left hand, before the left hand wraps over, and the V created by the thumb and the fore finger points up towards the right shoulder whilst keeping the club face nice and square. As you look down at the back of the left hand you see about two and a half knuckles. On the back of the left hand they should just sit underneath the fleshy part of the back of the palm. Now whether you interlock, whether you overlap, or whether you use a ten fingered grip you need to get the right hand in a neutral position as well. I personally overlap so my little pinky finger sits in between the index finger and the second finger of my left hand before the other hand wraps over and my hand sits on top of the left thumb which is on top of the grip here. It kind of smothers my left thumb and makes it into a nice snug position onto the grip. And then I also get the V created by the thumb on my fore-finger on my right hand to point up towards my right shoulder. Now this is a neutral golf grip and as a neutral golf grip it will allow the palms to rotate to face each other at the point of impact and keep the club face nice and square. Now some people will benefit from a stronger grip like I said with the hand – left hand more on top, the right hand underneath and some people a weak grip with the left hand more underneath the right hand more on top. However for the straighter shots more consistently, use this neutral grip and we should see a much better consistency with the accuracy of your golf drives. 2014-11-20

What is the best grip for straight golf drives? Now in general the best grip for straight golf driving is one which isn’t always a neutral grip, and not only for driving, but the rest of the clubs as well. If you can get yourself a neutral golf grip on the club it will help square the club face a lot better at the point of impact and get it pointing down towards your target. Now this isn’t universal, some players do benefit from a stronger grip, some players do benefit from a slightly weaker grip, but in the most cases a neutral grip is the way forward.

Now to achieve a neutral grip what you want to be seeing is the club grip to be running through the fingers from the base of the little finger, up through the middle of the index finger on the left hand, before the left hand wraps over, and the V created by the thumb and the fore finger points up towards the right shoulder whilst keeping the club face nice and square. As you look down at the back of the left hand you see about two and a half knuckles. On the back of the left hand they should just sit underneath the fleshy part of the back of the palm. Now whether you interlock, whether you overlap, or whether you use a ten fingered grip you need to get the right hand in a neutral position as well. I personally overlap so my little pinky finger sits in between the index finger and the second finger of my left hand before the other hand wraps over and my hand sits on top of the left thumb which is on top of the grip here.

It kind of smothers my left thumb and makes it into a nice snug position onto the grip. And then I also get the V created by the thumb on my fore-finger on my right hand to point up towards my right shoulder. Now this is a neutral golf grip and as a neutral golf grip it will allow the palms to rotate to face each other at the point of impact and keep the club face nice and square. Now some people will benefit from a stronger grip like I said with the hand – left hand more on top, the right hand underneath and some people a weak grip with the left hand more underneath the right hand more on top. However for the straighter shots more consistently, use this neutral grip and we should see a much better consistency with the accuracy of your golf drives.