Too Strong A Golf Grip Causes What ? - Golf Tip (Video) - by Pete Styles
Too Strong A Golf Grip Causes What ? - Golf Tip (Video) - by Pete Styles

We often hear how important gripping the golf club is correctly. Clearly it’s our only link to the clubs we’ve got to make sure our grip is good. But what are the pit falls, what are the problems? So one of the most common issues that I would see with golfers – right-handed golfers is the right hand gets too strong and left-handers left hand gets too strong as well. And for the right-handed golfer the right hand gets too strong, too strong means like the club is sitting more on the top of the hand, here the hand is too much underneath. So rather than the hand coming into the side of the grip as it should do in a mutual position , the right hand slips underneath , the view of the right thumb and four finger points too far behind the right shoulder and the fingers lock in a bit too deeply underneath here and we see this strong position. Now the problems that can cause in the golf swing, they are quite a few really generally a strong grip is going to fight and try and turn back to neutral during the moving part of a swing.

So if that’s strong and that’s neutral, the strong grip will try and shut the club face as it turns to neutral during the swing that would cause the club face to point left. The club face pointing left generally is going to head to golf ball left, but also head to golf ball it’s quite low and potentially with your shorter clubs you could hit the ball that goes too far. I’ve got a seven iron here if I aim it left, it now looks like a five iron. So I hit my seven iron and five iron distance over the back left side of the green. If that low long pull shot is one of yours, you might question whether your right hand was too strong at the start. There is other options though from that strong grip, some people feel that strong, they fight to hold it off and they actually dominate the downswing with the left hand. The right hand gets stuck underneath, face opens and it can go to the right hand side quite a weak shot that goes to the right hand side. So again caused by the strong grip and the one thing I see a lot of -- that often gets sort of undervalued and how important it is, is hitting the ball fat. If your right hand sits underneath too much, generally it drops your right elbow and right shoulder that sits too low as you are coming into golf ball from a shallow position that right side is too low and you hit into the ground early catching the ball fat. So if those shots sound like you, fat shots or long shots that pull way low and left. Consider whether your right hand is on the correct position and if it isn’t try and work it around some more neutral position. It will feel weaker and it will feel quite difficult to do, but with time, with practice you’ll definitely hit the golf ball better.

We often hear how important gripping the golf club is correctly. Clearly it’s our only link to the clubs we’ve got to make sure our grip is good. But what are the pit falls, what are the problems? So one of the most common issues that I would see with golfers – right-handed golfers is the right hand gets too strong and left-handers left hand gets too strong as well. And for the right-handed golfer the right hand gets too strong, too strong means like the club is sitting more on the top of the hand, here the hand is too much underneath. So rather than the hand coming into the side of the grip as it should do in a mutual position , the right hand slips underneath , the view of the right thumb and four finger points too far behind the right shoulder and the fingers lock in a bit too deeply underneath here and we see this strong position. Now the problems that can cause in the golf swing, they are quite a few really generally a strong grip is going to fight and try and turn back to neutral during the moving part of a swing.

So if that’s strong and that’s neutral, the strong grip will try and shut the club face as it turns to neutral during the swing that would cause the club face to point left. The club face pointing left generally is going to head to golf ball left, but also head to golf ball it’s quite low and potentially with your shorter clubs you could hit the ball that goes too far. I’ve got a seven iron here if I aim it left, it now looks like a five iron. So I hit my seven iron and five iron distance over the back left side of the green. If that low long pull shot is one of yours, you might question whether your right hand was too strong at the start. There is other options though from that strong grip, some people feel that strong, they fight to hold it off and they actually dominate the downswing with the left hand. The right hand gets stuck underneath, face opens and it can go to the right hand side quite a weak shot that goes to the right hand side.

So again caused by the strong grip and the one thing I see a lot of — that often gets sort of undervalued and how important it is, is hitting the ball fat. If your right hand sits underneath too much, generally it drops your right elbow and right shoulder that sits too low as you are coming into golf ball from a shallow position that right side is too low and you hit into the ground early catching the ball fat. So if those shots sound like you, fat shots or long shots that pull way low and left. Consider whether your right hand is on the correct position and if it isn’t try and work it around some more neutral position. It will feel weaker and it will feel quite difficult to do, but with time, with practice you’ll definitely hit the golf ball better.