Sweeping - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles
Sweeping - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles

The terminology sweeping and how it's applied to the golf swing relates to the angle of the club is traveling during the point of impact or how the club approaches the golf ball. It needs to be quite different with different shots because if I'm taking a wedge and I've got a pitching wedge here. I play the ball nicely in the center of my stance and as the club comes down towards the ball it's going to hit down into the back up ball and effectively chop the ball out of the ground.

Definitely not a sweeping action the club comes down I take a divot the ball pops up so I'm definitely not sweeping there. If I take my drive us and I position my golf ball with my driver much more toward my front foot and I position my body weight with my driver much more towards my back foot maybe another 10 percent more towards my right foot and my spine angle leans backwards whereas with the wedge it was leaning forward. I'm now setting myself up into a position where I'm going to sweep through the impact area the club as it comes down is going to travel forwards and upwards through impact.


The terminology sweeping and how it's applied to the golf swing relates to the angle of the club is traveling during the point of impact or how the club approaches the golf ball. It needs to be quite different with different shots because if I'm taking a wedge and I've got a pitching wedge here. I play the ball nicely in the center of my stance and as the club comes down towards the ball it's going to hit down into the back up ball and effectively chop the ball out of the ground.

Definitely not a sweeping action the club comes down I take a divot the ball pops up so I'm definitely not sweeping there. If I take my drive us and I position my golf ball with my driver much more toward my front foot and I position my body weight with my driver much more towards my back foot maybe another 10 percent more towards my right foot and my spine angle leans backwards whereas with the wedge it was leaning forward. I'm now setting myself up into a position where I'm going to sweep through the impact area the club as it comes down is going to travel forwards and upwards through impact.