Fat Shots - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles
Fat Shots - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles

Fat shots are possibly up there with the most frustrating of all of the golf shots. I'm going to set up the ball here with my a 8 iron and I'm going to imagine that I'm 140 yards out from the green everything's looking perfect. I've got bunker here and I've got to flag up there and there's no wind and I'm ready to go and I make a great big backswing and then the divot the divot then actually goes further than the golf ball.

So I've taken this big divot similar to all these other iron shots sort of hit previously today. I can convince hopefully I can convince you that those were all decent shots and that one went there on the divot of it flew further. So what was the difference it felt the same took the same sort of give it but the ball just didn't work what was the problem. Well that one was a fat shot now the fat is related to whereabouts the divot started in relation to the ball.


Fat shots are possibly up there with the most frustrating of all of the golf shots. I'm going to set up the ball here with my a 8 iron and I'm going to imagine that I'm 140 yards out from the green everything's looking perfect. I've got bunker here and I've got to flag up there and there's no wind and I'm ready to go and I make a great big backswing and then the divot the divot then actually goes further than the golf ball.

So I've taken this big divot similar to all these other iron shots sort of hit previously today. I can convince hopefully I can convince you that those were all decent shots and that one went there on the divot of it flew further. So what was the difference it felt the same took the same sort of give it but the ball just didn't work what was the problem. Well that one was a fat shot now the fat is related to whereabouts the divot started in relation to the ball.