Address – Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles
Address – Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles

The word address and the way it relates to golf is all about how we set up to the golf ball how we address the ball. You know if I addressed a person I'd be saying hello to them if I address the golf ball effectively I'm saying hello to the ball this is how I'm going to stand and this is how you're going to get hit. Now the important thing in golf is we talk about it being a closed skill a closed skill is where nothing affects back golf ball apart from me.

So it's not moving it's not going to get tackled away from me nobody else can affect what happens to it and there's no time pressure necessarily on me hitting it as long as it's within a you know 40 seconds or whatever it is. I'm not going to rush to hit this so I can take my time addressing that golf ball consistently and I think those 2 words have to go together address and consistent. Cause we see a lot of golfers make mistakes where they simply address the ball not necessarily in the wrong place but in an inconsistent place.


The word address and the way it relates to golf is all about how we set up to the golf ball how we address the ball. You know if I addressed a person I'd be saying hello to them if I address the golf ball effectively I'm saying hello to the ball this is how I'm going to stand and this is how you're going to get hit. Now the important thing in golf is we talk about it being a closed skill a closed skill is where nothing affects back golf ball apart from me.

So it's not moving it's not going to get tackled away from me nobody else can affect what happens to it and there's no time pressure necessarily on me hitting it as long as it's within a you know 40 seconds or whatever it is. I'm not going to rush to hit this so I can take my time addressing that golf ball consistently and I think those 2 words have to go together address and consistent. Cause we see a lot of golfers make mistakes where they simply address the ball not necessarily in the wrong place but in an inconsistent place.