Using something like the palm drill as you move through impact we'll show you where the right hand needs to be at the point of impact. But of course when you're hitting golf shots, you're going to be using both your hands. So you need to understand the relationship that these two have to one another. Generally speaking the left hand is your direction hand. So the left hand has more of a say on where the clubface is pointing as you hit. The right hand is more of the power hand which really drives through, and adds that extra oomph as you hit the shot. The relationship that you want to be seeing between these two at the point of impact is for the left hand to be leading, controlling where the clubface alignment is.
You can see here I can very drastically adapt where my clubface position is by altering the movement in my left hand. What you want to be seeing is that left hand to be nice and flat, the logo pointing down towards the target. Now we’ve already discussed about the right hand position that you want to be seeing here. So you can see the shaft, the wrist, the left arm. And pretty much locked into a nice solid position as I hit with the right hand pressing downwards, and forming between the shaft, my left arm and my right arm more of a Y shape. And it’s a great drill to use and it's a great way to practice is by maintaining that Y shape as you hit.
So very simply it’s getting setup, getting that Y shape in position. And then all we want to be doing is moving the shoulders back, moving the shoulders through, recreating the same position of impact and then driving those shoulders through the point of impact. That Y shape is present at all of those three points and the left hand and right hand relationship remains the same. So it’s into there Y back, Y through and then holding that finish position. And you can see how my left hand and my right hand have worked together in the same unit all throughout that technique. It’s a very good way to practice your chipping. But you can move up and you can move up and you can hit shot after shot after shot until that feels comfortable with your full swing as well.