How To Use The Right Hand Differently In Golf Sand Shots (Video) - by Peter Finch
How To Use The Right Hand Differently In Golf Sand Shots (Video) - by Peter Finch

Within golf there are certain situations where you can start to use your right hand a little bit more effectively. Now one of those is when you're in a bunker. With the bunker shot it is very different that pretty much anything else within the game because you don't want to be hitting the ball on a greenside/bunker shot. You want to be entering the sand first sweeping underneath the ball and firing it out on a nice carpet of sand. And actually you can use your right to give a very good demonstration, a very good feeling as to what you want to be seeing.

Whether you are set out or a bunker shot, your stance generally is dependent on type of technique you are using but generally your feet will be a little bit open, your shoulders be a little bit open and your face will be slightly open as well which will help get the ball a little high and it will allow that club to slide down and underneath the ball. With just using your right hand you can mimic the type of club face positions that you want to be seeing because as you take your back you want to be keeping that clubface open. Now just taking that club in your right hand, if you take it away and try and get that club face pointing towards you at the top of the back swing, now what that does is as I move this club through you can see the clubface has remained open. So on the backswing clubface pointing towards me on the way through clubface pointing towards me and then on the through swing clubface pointing towards me. Now what that does is it gets the wrist working I an action which opens up the clubface and then sweeps that club underneath the ball like this. And after your practice swings and after you've got used to that, if you pop down into a bunker and just try and use that same technique. So clubface pointing at yourself all the time you're going to be able to get that club to the bottoming out just before the pull maintain that loft through chop and then clipping it away. I'll demonstrate in a bunker that is trained outside.

Within golf there are certain situations where you can start to use your right hand a little bit more effectively. Now one of those is when you're in a bunker. With the bunker shot it is very different that pretty much anything else within the game because you don't want to be hitting the ball on a greenside/bunker shot. You want to be entering the sand first sweeping underneath the ball and firing it out on a nice carpet of sand. And actually you can use your right to give a very good demonstration, a very good feeling as to what you want to be seeing.

Whether you are set out or a bunker shot, your stance generally is dependent on type of technique you are using but generally your feet will be a little bit open, your shoulders be a little bit open and your face will be slightly open as well which will help get the ball a little high and it will allow that club to slide down and underneath the ball.

With just using your right hand you can mimic the type of club face positions that you want to be seeing because as you take your back you want to be keeping that clubface open. Now just taking that club in your right hand, if you take it away and try and get that club face pointing towards you at the top of the back swing, now what that does is as I move this club through you can see the clubface has remained open.

So on the backswing clubface pointing towards me on the way through clubface pointing towards me and then on the through swing clubface pointing towards me. Now what that does is it gets the wrist working I an action which opens up the clubface and then sweeps that club underneath the ball like this. And after your practice swings and after you've got used to that, if you pop down into a bunker and just try and use that same technique.

So clubface pointing at yourself all the time you're going to be able to get that club to the bottoming out just before the pull maintain that loft through chop and then clipping it away. I'll demonstrate in a bunker that is trained outside.