Distance – Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles
Distance – Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles

If you were to believe the people that market the game of golf and particularly the people at market the equipment in the game of golf. You'd be led to believe that golf is only about distance the most important thing when you play golf is distance. How far can you get it that's the message that was drilled into us all the time. Gain 10 yards off the tee gained 10 yards per club with the iron.

So when you say to somebody what are you working on a new game quite often the answer is working on my distance and they just want to hit the ball harder and harder and further and further. You know I can't blame people because it's nice to stand there with drive a big old wide stance nice and tall and you posture give it a crack out there and try and hit the ball as far as hard as you can and generate a lot of distance. We know that got caught in the longer and we do have to hit the ball a decent distance but I think the biggest issue when it comes to distance is not how far it goes but how far you can control that it goes.


If you were to believe the people that market the game of golf and particularly the people at market the equipment in the game of golf. You'd be led to believe that golf is only about distance the most important thing when you play golf is distance. How far can you get it that's the message that was drilled into us all the time. Gain 10 yards off the tee gained 10 yards per club with the iron.

So when you say to somebody what are you working on a new game quite often the answer is working on my distance and they just want to hit the ball harder and harder and further and further. You know I can't blame people because it's nice to stand there with drive a big old wide stance nice and tall and you posture give it a crack out there and try and hit the ball as far as hard as you can and generate a lot of distance. We know that got caught in the longer and we do have to hit the ball a decent distance but I think the biggest issue when it comes to distance is not how far it goes but how far you can control that it goes.