Left Handed Golf Tips: How To Use Line On The Golf Ball For Alignment by Tom Stickney
Left Handed Golf Tips: How To Use Line On The Golf Ball For Alignment by Tom Stickney

Lefties only golf tip: A lot of times people just put the ball down after the mark and it's kind of blank appear maybe the trademark is kind of going one way or the other and that gives their mind some bad information visually. What happens you have to remember you're shooting a gun like this when you putt so when you stand up over the putt and you have lines kind of going all over or a blank ball in general you're trying to line your putter up like this as opposed to down the line. So what I like to tell people to do is to take a marker and draw a line on the trademark of the golf all like so.


Lefties only golf tip: A lot of times people just put the ball down after the mark and it's kind of blank appear maybe the trademark is kind of going one way or the other and that gives their mind some bad information visually. What happens you have to remember you're shooting a gun like this when you putt so when you stand up over the putt and you have lines kind of going all over or a blank ball in general you're trying to line your putter up like this as opposed to down the line. So what I like to tell people to do is to take a marker and draw a line on the trademark of the golf all like so.