Left Handed Golf Tips: Create The Perfect Wrist Hinge Everytime by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer
Left Handed Golf Tips: Create The Perfect Wrist Hinge Everytime by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer

Lefties only golf tip: So one of the things we may see in the back swing is a lack of wrist hinge, and it's something that we need to create for certain reasons in the golf swing to help us a create speed. We want to create an angle between the lead arm and it's also going to generate some corp face control there.


Lefties only golf tip: So one of the things we may see in the back swing is a lack of wrist hinge, and it's something that we need to create for certain reasons in the golf swing to help us a create speed. We want to create an angle between the lead arm and it's also going to generate some corp face control there.