Left Hand Golf Tip Ladies The Best way for Women to Control Pitching Distance when Playing Golf Shots (Video) - by Natalie Adams
Left Hand Golf Tip Ladies The Best way for Women to Control Pitching Distance when Playing Golf Shots (Video) - by Natalie Adams Natalie Adams - PGA Teaching Pro Natalie Adams – PGA Teaching Pro

Lefties only golf tip: Here we are going to look at how to help you control the distance, that you need to hit your pitch shots. And it’s really important if you want to become accurate playing those shots into the green. The best way to work on controlling your pitching distance is to have this strategy beforehand that you have taken some time out on the range, or on the practice ground and you have just noticed how far you actually hit your shots.


Natalie Adams - PGA Teaching Pro Natalie Adams – PGA Teaching Pro

Lefties only golf tip: Here we are going to look at how to help you control the distance, that you need to hit your pitch shots. And it’s really important if you want to become accurate playing those shots into the green. The best way to work on controlling your pitching distance is to have this strategy beforehand that you have taken some time out on the range, or on the practice ground and you have just noticed how far you actually hit your shots.