What is the Correct Chipping Hands Position for Senior Golfers to use (Video) - by Dean Butler
What is the Correct Chipping Hands Position for Senior Golfers to use (Video) - by Dean Butler

Okay, so the hand position for playing chips, where should it be? Well, first of all let's setup to the ball, let's put the club behind the ball, with the grip slightly forward and my hands slightly down, nice and light. Position the ball in the middle of the stance, slightly open, that means your left foot has dropped back slightly and the weight is 60-40. Now this stage here you can see hopefully a nice little crease in the old trouser leg here and my hands are in line with it. But they are in line with it, my hands are actually in front of the club head, very, very important.

So by keeping the hands in this position which is the current position, we now want to swing with the shoulders. If we swing with the wrists, there is a danger of undoing all that good work. So we need to keep the hands forward, always forward. By keeping the hands forward, this club now is going to go back and through and the loft of the club has now sent the ball up in the air on its way and I have kept my frame absolutely static. There is no need to move anything, keep it here, so keeping the hands forwards is the key element of playing chips and runs. So hands forward, swing from the shoulders backwards and forwards and keep that weight 60-40 and just trust the club and commit yourself to it, it's an easy shot, it really is a very, very easy shot. This should only take most probably a dozen golf balls around the chipping green of your golf club or on the driving range. But you will see the results very, very quick indeed.

Okay, so the hand position for playing chips, where should it be? Well, first of all let's setup to the ball, let's put the club behind the ball, with the grip slightly forward and my hands slightly down, nice and light. Position the ball in the middle of the stance, slightly open, that means your left foot has dropped back slightly and the weight is 60-40. Now this stage here you can see hopefully a nice little crease in the old trouser leg here and my hands are in line with it. But they are in line with it, my hands are actually in front of the club head, very, very important.

So by keeping the hands in this position which is the current position, we now want to swing with the shoulders. If we swing with the wrists, there is a danger of undoing all that good work. So we need to keep the hands forward, always forward. By keeping the hands forward, this club now is going to go back and through and the loft of the club has now sent the ball up in the air on its way and I have kept my frame absolutely static. There is no need to move anything, keep it here, so keeping the hands forwards is the key element of playing chips and runs.

So hands forward, swing from the shoulders backwards and forwards and keep that weight 60-40 and just trust the club and commit yourself to it, it's an easy shot, it really is a very, very easy shot. This should only take most probably a dozen golf balls around the chipping green of your golf club or on the driving range. But you will see the results very, very quick indeed.