Techniques - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles
Techniques - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles

They when we consider the golf and golf techniques the must be some real good relationship and synergy between those 2 topics. Cause golf probably more so than any other sport has a whole industry dedicated to improving people's techniques. Now I know any sport will have coaches and equipment manufacturers and people trying to help them out but I would wager that more people take golf lessons than probably any of the lessons throughout their lives.

Now as the golf coach I'm quite pleased of the fact because if people didn't take golf lessons and golf was in a difficult sport I probably wouldn't have a living and I'd be doing something else which would be a bit of a shame. You're clearly here watching this video because you're trying to improve your golf technique. In other sportsof people trying as hard to improve their technique maybe they're not and maybe that's because golf techniques really difficult and golf technique encompasses so many different variables.


They when we consider the golf and golf techniques the must be some real good relationship and synergy between those 2 topics. Cause golf probably more so than any other sport has a whole industry dedicated to improving people's techniques. Now I know any sport will have coaches and equipment manufacturers and people trying to help them out but I would wager that more people take golf lessons than probably any of the lessons throughout their lives.

Now as the golf coach I'm quite pleased of the fact because if people didn't take golf lessons and golf was in a difficult sport I probably wouldn't have a living and I'd be doing something else which would be a bit of a shame. You're clearly here watching this video because you're trying to improve your golf technique. In other sportsof people trying as hard to improve their technique maybe they're not and maybe that's because golf techniques really difficult and golf technique encompasses so many different variables.