Sway - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles
Sway - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles

In order to play great golf we have to generate a certain amount of power. We can't stand to the ball and justhands and arms wack it we need to be turning we need to be generating power and it's a whole body action. It's not just hands the arms it's not just hips it's not the shoulders the whole body is moving and turning and it's moving in turning in a very rotary fashion.

So the body rotates this way and the body rotates this way and we will see the body weight move from right to left and I think what we've seen golfers play well and we see the body weight move from the right side to the left side golfers often take a whole step to far and that's where they incorporate a sway. We'll see a golfer stand to the ball nicely bodyweight nicely 50/50 on the backswing happens and they're over here on the shoulders having rotated very for their hips haven't rotated very far but they've really moved their body weight back behind the ball. That is a swing through they really move the body weight through the ball again they're on to the front foot but again the hips chest and shoulders haven't turned very far haven't rotated and that's the classic swaying action.


In order to play great golf we have to generate a certain amount of power. We can't stand to the ball and justhands and arms wack it we need to be turning we need to be generating power and it's a whole body action. It's not just hands the arms it's not just hips it's not the shoulders the whole body is moving and turning and it's moving in turning in a very rotary fashion.

So the body rotates this way and the body rotates this way and we will see the body weight move from right to left and I think what we've seen golfers play well and we see the body weight move from the right side to the left side golfers often take a whole step to far and that's where they incorporate a sway. We'll see a golfer stand to the ball nicely bodyweight nicely 50/50 on the backswing happens and they're over here on the shoulders having rotated very for their hips haven't rotated very far but they've really moved their body weight back behind the ball. That is a swing through they really move the body weight through the ball again they're on to the front foot but again the hips chest and shoulders haven't turned very far haven't rotated and that's the classic swaying action.