Rotation - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles
Rotation - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles

Rotation and it's context in golf it's a big word because golf is about rotation. It's a rotation action when we stand we stand to the side of the ball so we have to be able to generate power in a rotational fashion. If we stood behind the ball we could kick it or you could hit it would kick in a straight line but golf is very different golf we stand on the side so we have to rotate.

There are lots of different points within the body that do rotate the club rotates around the body. The arms rotate around the body the body rotates around the spine the hips the knees even the ankles old rotate slightly and then during the impact position the hands and arms rotate. There's lots of rotational things going on and the 1st thing we want to consider for golf is you need to be relatively physically active and fit to play golf with a good rotation quite often if you struggle physically if there's an injury as a limitation one of those things will affect the rotation that you have.


Rotation and it's context in golf it's a big word because golf is about rotation. It's a rotation action when we stand we stand to the side of the ball so we have to be able to generate power in a rotational fashion. If we stood behind the ball we could kick it or you could hit it would kick in a straight line but golf is very different golf we stand on the side so we have to rotate.

There are lots of different points within the body that do rotate the club rotates around the body. The arms rotate around the body the body rotates around the spine the hips the knees even the ankles old rotate slightly and then during the impact position the hands and arms rotate. There's lots of rotational things going on and the 1st thing we want to consider for golf is you need to be relatively physically active and fit to play golf with a good rotation quite often if you struggle physically if there's an injury as a limitation one of those things will affect the rotation that you have.