Practice - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles
Practice - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles

Practice is something that I think most golfers are aware that they need. I don't think it comes as a surprise to anybody but you're never going to get good as a skill based game unless you spend the hard I was grinding it out. It's like any other game really isn't it you're never going to pick this up and probably golf more so than any other game. You're not going to pick it up quickly unless you put in the hours.

You can't necessarily buy yourself a game all of the manufacturers when the selling you a $500.00 driver convince you you can buy a good game but ultimately even that $500.00 driver still needs a good amount of practice. As the old goes saying that practice makes perfect to a degree that applies to golf but I think more importantly golf practice make perfect. Now if you're practicing well and you got to good swing then yes let that become permanent ingrained not motion so it happens over and over again.


Practice is something that I think most golfers are aware that they need. I don't think it comes as a surprise to anybody but you're never going to get good as a skill based game unless you spend the hard I was grinding it out. It's like any other game really isn't it you're never going to pick this up and probably golf more so than any other game. You're not going to pick it up quickly unless you put in the hours.

You can't necessarily buy yourself a game all of the manufacturers when the selling you a $500.00 driver convince you you can buy a good game but ultimately even that $500.00 driver still needs a good amount of practice. As the old goes saying that practice makes perfect to a degree that applies to golf but I think more importantly golf practice make perfect. Now if you're practicing well and you got to good swing then yes let that become permanent ingrained not motion so it happens over and over again.