Improve Your Backswing Takeaway - (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer
Improve Your Backswing Takeaway - (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer

Fixing your golf swing takeaway could be one of the most efficient ways to improve your golf swing and ultimately improve your golf. In this video tip PGA professionals Pete Styles and Matt Fryer will help you understand how utilizing less hand action in the golf swing takeaway can help maintain the club on a more online position and in turn can help create a square club face during the backswing and also into the down swing and impact position.

Now Pete it is my belief if we were to start a golf swing in a good manner it's going to give us a good chance of producing some good back swings. It is then going to then lead into some but a downswings and help us see more consistency from the golf shot and the take away you know it's only a small part of the golf swing if we can get it right and see some certain things in there hopefully that should lead to this more consistent golf swing. So if you're going to talk us through a good versus a bad take away what checkpoints would you like to hit in your take away.

An interesting point Matt because I think what the idea being if you get these wrong in the start it's a struggle to overcome a problem you created. So from a good address position where we've got nice posture nice grip and a good set up taking that club back in the correct fashion starting the journey in the right way. If I start the journey on the wrong direction I then am going to change direction during the journey so start your direction correct start your journey with right direction and that should lead to a lot more consistency in the overall swing.


Fixing your golf swing takeaway could be one of the most efficient ways to improve your golf swing and ultimately improve your golf. In this video tip PGA professionals Pete Styles and Matt Fryer will help you understand how utilizing less hand action in the golf swing takeaway can help maintain the club on a more online position and in turn can help create a square club face during the backswing and also into the down swing and impact position.

Now Pete it is my belief if we were to start a golf swing in a good manner it's going to give us a good chance of producing some good back swings. It is then going to then lead into some but a downswings and help us see more consistency from the golf shot and the take away you know it's only a small part of the golf swing if we can get it right and see some certain things in there hopefully that should lead to this more consistent golf swing. So if you're going to talk us through a good versus a bad take away what checkpoints would you like to hit in your take away.

An interesting point Matt because I think what the idea being if you get these wrong in the start it's a struggle to overcome a problem you created. So from a good address position where we've got nice posture nice grip and a good set up taking that club back in the correct fashion starting the journey in the right way. If I start the journey on the wrong direction I then am going to change direction during the journey so start your direction correct start your journey with right direction and that should lead to a lot more consistency in the overall swing.