So the concept of bounce shouldn't be new to people that have played sports. Bounce is what we would use is something that hits the floor and then comes back off the floor and when we talk about balance in relation to golf we say the ball bounce down the fairway but there's also another use of the word and it's the idea that a club itself has bounce. Now we know that when we hit the club down into the floor quite often it doesn't stay in the floor and it certainly shouldn't stay in the floor the club down hit the floor and comes off again.
Even if I take a bigger chunk of divot the club isn't stuck in the ground like an axe after I've done it the club has bounced off the surface. Now the club itself has bounce we talk about how the sole of the golf club has bounce on it. Now this is an angle that's specifically made on to the bottom of the golf club to aid the concept that it doesn't dig in. If this were sharp like an axe and I hit into the ground on a wet day it would stay in the ground and I would probably break my arms you know I'd hit down and I'd injure myself in this area the bounce is the concept that the club has a lower trailing edge than it does a leading edge.
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